5,424 athletes registered for the Central American and Caribbean Games of Barranquilla


Bogotá – Barranquilla will host the Games of Central America and the Caribbean with the most registered athletes in history, a total of 5,424 competitors, 352 more than at Veracruz (2014) ) while there were 5,072, reported the organizers of the games.

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Mexico, with 672 registered competitors, is the country that has registered the most large number of athletes for the competitions, They will celebrate from July 19 to August 3, detailed the organizing committee in a statement.

The second most registered country is Colombia with 595 athletes and the third is Cuba with 539, while the island of San Martín, with only 4 competitors will have the smallest delegation, added the l & # 39; information.

The other most numerous delegations are Venezuela (505), Dominican Republic (447), Guatemala (420) and Puerto Rico (354). 5] The sport that will have the most participants is athletics, with 501, followed by football with 319, hockey with 255, handball with 236 and volleyball with 222.

Similarly, there will be competitors from 37 countries and territories in tests of 35 sports and 47 disciplines.

This will be the second time that Barranquilla has made the Games of Central America and the Caribbean, having organized them in 1946.

Other Colombian cities that were the headquarters of the games are Medellin, in 1978, and Cartagena de Indias, in 2016.

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