9% increase in remittances sent to Honduras in the first half of 2018


Family remittances sent to Honduras in the first half of 2018 totaled $ 2,349.1 million, 9% higher than $ 2,155.9 million in the same period in 2017 , reported today An official source.

Remittances to the Central American country increased by $ 193.2 million compared to what was received in the first half of 2017, said the Central Bank of Honduras (BCH) in a

Only last June, Honduras received more than $ 375 million, or 9% more than the $ 344 million in the same month of 2017, according to The governing body of last year, remittances, which account for more than 18% of gross domestic product (GDP), totaled $ 4,330 million, according to official figures.

According to official data, 80% percent of remittances sent to [19] 459002] Honduras comes from the United States, a country where just over one million Hondurans live legally and illegally.

Remittances are the main source of the country's currency, above exports such as coffee, maquila products, shrimp and others, the document details.

The economic authorities of Honduras have set a goal that remittances exceed $ 4.6 billion this year. EFE

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