900 users of Nauta Hogar in Artemisa


Although Cuba is still far from being called a connected country, where its inhabitants enjoy the Internet as other services such as water, gas or electricity. electricity, the Cuban government has gradually left and very slowly access to the network, a kind of blessing for Cubans.

Although the Internet is not a normality but an exclusivity; although not everyone could rent this service because they would spend the salary for a whole month; Although communications on the island continue to be a chaos from which we all suffer, it is good to know that little by little, Cuban homes can rely on these services.

El Nauta Hogar, an ETECSA service that allows multiple packages to be contracted to surf the network of networks from home, first started as an experiment in some homes in Havana and it's already spread to almost every province in the country.

A news of Radio Reloj announced that in Artemisa, nearly 1900 users enjoy their homes in Nauta Hogar.

It is always better, of course, to communicate from home and not from the sidewalks of parks with Wifi in Cuba.

The inhabitants of San Antonio de los Baños, Bauta, Güira de Melena, San Cristóbal, Bahía Honda, Candelaria and Guanajay, as well as the villages of Quiebra Hacha, in Mariel, and CAI Habana Libre in Caimito. the possibility of contracting the services of Nauta Hogar.

Not all municipalities or cities in Cuba can be closed. It is necessary, for example, to have fixed telephone lines, and with which all do not count at this stage.

According to ETECSA, its purpose is that this service be provided to all municipalities, during a gradual process that depends on certain technical conditions.

On his side, in the province of Camagüey more than 500 people have Nauta Home in their house.

In some municipalities of Santiago de Cuba, you can also rent the service. The Cuban press speaks of a total of 821 potential customers

ETECSA, the Monopoly of Communications in Cuba, announced this year that it was planning to install more than 52,000 new Internet services. in Cuban houses.

At a decreasing rate, the Internet reaches the Cubans. Hopefully, at some point, it will be normal and no longer a privilege.

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