Factory outlets in Canada demand to sell marijuana


Toronto, (Notimex) .- Canada is planning a marijuana "industry" boom as of October 17, not only in licensed clinics, but also in farms where we grow crops. tomatoes or apples, and in shops

Companies selling multicolored plants during the short summer in urban Canada receive calls from people asking if they will also sell the marijuana plant or its seeds, [19659003] The law pbaded by the federal Parliament establishes that every Canadian household can grow up to four marijuana plants for personal consumption, which has attracted the interest of many Canadians.

In the provinces of Quebec and Manitoba, governments have decided to ban domestic culture, arguing that it will be difficult to control this sector that could facilitate access to the illegal market, which aims to reduce, but which is dreaded, will remain.

In the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, the sale of cannabis will be

provinces of Alberta, British Columbia and Newfoundland have chosen to combine government stores with private licenses, while in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, there will be only private stores, duly registered and authorized. their penalties for those who do not comply with the regulation regarding the recreational use of marijuana, with a fine of $ 220 to those who smoke it in public or in unauthorized places.

The same penalty will apply to those who own more than 30 grams of alcohol. dried cannabis in a public place.

$ 750 will be charged to any person who is selling or giving marijuana to a minor, but $ 2,000 to $ 250 who is taken to an authorized store and offered to a child under 18 years of age. years old or who does not ask for proof of age.

In Ontario, the previous Liberal government planned to open 40 stores selling marijuana through establishments selling alcohol and by 2020, it would reach 150 stores, but Doug Ford's new conservative government announced that he was open to further privatization in the sale of cannabis.

In Alberta, the private NewLeaf Cannabis store plans to open 18 branches and for the time being is training its staff to be "good cannabis consultants".

Factory shop owners, who have extensive knowledge of plant cultivation and maintenance, require that in this market opens "green" are allowed to sell the plant marijuana or at least its seeds.

Lisa Silva, from Bluegrbad Nursery factories in Calgary, Almerta, said her clients are often asked how to grow marijuana. "It would be another market opportunity that we want to seize," he said.

Among other treatments, the marijuana plant requires 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, so some farms in Ontario are exploring the possibility of creating spaces. open to enter this crop, in addition to their apple and tomato crops.

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