Radio Havana Cuba | Gibara Film Festival paid tribute to Eliseo Subiela


Gibara Festival Honors Eliseo Subiela

Osvaldo Montes Honors Eliseo Subiela

  Osvaldo Montes Honors Eliseo Subiela

Gibara, July 4 (RHC) As part of the Festival's activities International Film Festival, the Argentine composer Osvaldo Montes, paid tribute to the late filmmaker Eliseo Subiela (1944-2016) at a concert that toured the soundtrack of the film The Dark Side of the Heart.

In the Calixto García Park of this coastal city, permanent venue of the Festival, the artist played for nearly one hour pieces contained in the film El azul, Soledad, Las dos orillas and the theme of well-known love of the film.

Osvaldo Montes, in exclusive statements to the ACN stated that it was a joy for him to do this show in tribute to the great friend, Eliseo Subiela, who forged a special concept of "the world". friendship and bequeathed the great teaching of how to make movies.

The presentation presented the performance of the company Codanza de Holguín, under the direction of Maricel Godoy, who, in record time, directed the choreographies that accompanied the recital, according to Osvaldo himself.

His long musical career includes the soundtracks of iconographic films such as Plata Quemada, Bolívar Soy yo, Cenizas del Paríso and El Caso María Soledad, as well as popular television series in Cuba such as Nueve Lunas and De poeta y de Loco.

Montes, who participates for the second time at the Gibara Film Festival, gave a concert in the city of Holguín in October 2010 and this time he is a member of the jury of fiction.

Dedicated to children and adolescents, the 14th edition of the Gibara International Film Festival brings together international luxury guests such as actor and producer Benicio del Toro, Spanish director Felix Viscarret and the famous Argentine musician Fito Páez, who will perform the closing concert of the event next Saturday. (Source: ACN )

Edited by María Candela

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