Villa Clara has high coverage with mobile phones


ETECSA installed a new technology at Villa Clara

Santa Clara, Cuba. – With the commissioning of 12 new sites on the mobile network of Villa Clara, coverage of mobile phones covers 70% of the central geography, according to media reports Gustavo Montesino Reyes, territorial director of the Telecommunications Company of Cuba [19659003] The head of ETECSA pointed out that once the maintenance process of the newly damaged power station completed, this technology was re-established, which created the conditions of a normal in the mobile services.

thus activated several villages among them, Gavilanes and Cascajal; while Ranchuelo and Santo Domingo have managed to access the cover with the exploitation of technologically innovative plants.

Montesino Reyes clarified that the substitutions of this type of technology do not imply alterations in the previously existing flow, allow the arrival of 3G coverage on the sites where they are located

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