The state of Mailén is complicated


The "bad condition of the left leg" of Mailén Díaz Almaguer, the only survivor of the plane crash that occurred on May 18 in Havana, "affects the proper performance of their vital systems". This causes the booking to book. This is the latest medical report published by the newspaper Granma.

Mailén had to undergo a new surgery because of the lesions on his left leg. "There is a potential risk of new complications," although doctors consider that the process of evolution is under control.

However, the 19-year-old Holguinera, who was admitted to Calixto García Hospital for 45 days, continues to breathe the support of the machines, thanks to the proper functioning of your lungs. Its evolution is stable and the patient continues to respond to treatment, which includes surgical procedures, as explained to the Calixto official press director, Carlos Alberto Martínez Blanco.

The young woman remains conscious and cooperates with doctors, despite her critical condition. They continue to be fed intravenously and through the digestive tract.

Doctors work to control their metabolism, their water balance and their electrolyte balance. Also "the internal environment in which its biochemical processes are developed".

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