Evictions of Guatemalans from the United States increased by 79.8% in 2018


The significant increase in evictions occurs in a new migration crisis triggered by the recently modified "zero tolerance" policy of the administration of President Donald Trump, which separates undocumented parents and detained children at the border.

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Alejandra Mena, a spokesman for the institution, told AFP that Between January and June, 25,366 Guatemalans were expelled from the United States, significantly exceeding the 14,103 expelled during the same period of 2017.

He clarified that during the first six months of 2018, 22,601 men, 2,522 women and 243 minors were expelled

. deportations, the flow of remittances from abroad, especially to the United States, reached $ 3,597.6 million between January and May, up 8% from the same period in 2017.

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Last week, Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, sued the presidents of the North Central Triangle of North America to stop "exodus" of illegal migrants into their country, whereas they threaten the safety of Americans.

"Do not put your life and the lives of your children at stake. Stay at home, in your homeland (…). "Come legally, if not, do not do it," Pence said in Guatemala

The Guatemalan National Council for Migrant Aid estimates that about 1.5 million Guatemalans live in the United States. United and only between 300,000 and 400,000 they have legal residence.

Poverty and violence are the main factors for Central Americans to emigrate, mainly to the United States, although Pence argues that few flee crime

. The drama of asylum seekers in the United States

About: © Agence France-Presse

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