Radio Havana Cuba | German parliamentarians interested in closer collaboration with Cuba on health


German parliamentarians interested in closer collaboration with Cuba on health

Dietmar Bartsch, as co-chair of the party's parliamentary group in the German Federal Parliament, thanked the initiative of the Cuba Sí working group . [19659003] Dietmar Bartsch, as co-chair of party formation in the German Federal Parliament, thanked the initiative of the Cuba Sí. "/>

Berlin, 6 July (RHC) Parliamentarians Dietmar Bartsch, Achim Kessler, Zaklin Nastic, Eva-Maria Schreiber and Sylvia Gabelmann received the Cuban ambbadador to Berlin, Ramón Ripoll, with whom they exchanged on the bilateral relations between the two countries.

Dietmar Bartsch, as Chairman of the party in the German Federal Parliament, thanked the initiative of the working group Cuba Sí to organize the visit this group of MPs in our country in early May and moved his pleasant impression for the transformations that have taken place in Cuba since his last visit to this day.

During the meeting, the participants hailed the results of the Cuban health system from visits to primary health centers, polyclinics, hospitals, biotechnology centers and the Latin American School of Medicine

In this regard, they wished to strengthen thecollaboration between Germany and Cuba in the health sector, which is committed to promoting initiatives to establish a greater institutional link, with the aim of developing the exchange of Experiences between the two countries in this sector. (Source: Cubaminrex).

Edited by Bárbara Gómez

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