Financial markets turn to the United Kingdom


July 9, 2018, 08:37 London, Jul 9 (PL) With the proximity of Brexit or the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU) some financial markets are watching this nation today. With the intention Economists point out that the UK leadership as the main European destination for international investment in financial services is starting to fall.

This occurs as continental rivals who covet the business are favored by Brexit, and thus turn to the financial markets of this nation.

A report from accounting and consulting firm EY, found that the UK has only 14 projects of more foreign investment in financial services last year Germany

L & # Germany ranks second in this sector, 67 fewer jobs than the previous year.

The number of projects in Britain fell by 26% in 2017, compared to 64% in Germany, 123% in France and 13% in all of Europe.

UK neighbors in the EU seek to capitalize on uncertainty about their future access to European markets to encourage financial companies to open doors on their own territories.

This represents a challenge to the historic British reputation as a European center for the sector.

British financial services at EY, Omar Ali, said that this nation clung to the top position as there were such factors as talent, infrastructure, and strong regulatory and legal systems that were difficult to reproduce abroad.

They attracted 78 international investment projects last year, up from 106 in 2016, EY said. that France saw 49, some increases of 39 and 22, respectively.

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