"The PSUV Congress violates the Constitution"


A few weeks after the PSUV Congress, members of dissident Chavismo claim that the ruling party does not intend to consult the basics of strategic directions or the party's fate; on the contrary, decisions will be made by a management that wants to stay in power.

"It will be a curious event because it is not really a congress.They once again violate Article 67 of the Constitution, because in the PSUV there is no type of democratic mechanism or participation of bases, they make it believe, "said Gustavo Márquez, former minister of Hugo Chávez.

Leaders of the ruling party badured that the National Constituent Assembly will establish seven working tables to bring to the congress proposals in the political, economic and social spheres. Márquez believes that this debate should be carried out at national level, because these are not issues that concern only the party but all Venezuelans.

Márquez and Nícmer Evans, another dissident representative of Chavismo, agreed that the government has applied and they have given strength to the policies that are worsening the crisis, and at the congress something different will not happen.

"They tried to support Chavez 'approach, and they are becoming increasingly radicalized.Before the arrival of Maduro, mistakes had already been made in the management of resources and corruption. The president has shown a great inability to rectify these practices, "Evans said.

Recently, the Minister of Education, Elías Jaua, did a kind of mea culpa and asked to democratize the party and listen to the grbadroots. Márquez ruled out that there is an intention to rectify and described Jaua's speech as uncredible. "The debate must be the way out of the crisis, overcoming the tragedy," he added.

Constituent Jesús Faría also took a stand and asked the president to release control of the change, as well as deal with the management of currency purchases.

These considerations should not be rejected, argues the dissident Chavez. "It begins to exist a self-critical position that does not give up on its way of thinking," said the former minister of Chávez.

However, Evans warns that the sectors represented by Jaua and Faría want to promote an alternation of power to leave Maduro. which does not imply the beginning of a democratic stage or a questioning of the political scenario in which the opposition can enter.

Military doctrine. On Sunday, the representative Pedro Carreño said that in the event of an armed conflict, the new military doctrine will enter: the war of the whole people. The advanced progressive party badured that the leader violated the hate law that the ANC itself sanctioned.

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