Fast flights to the ISS open the possibility of circling the Moon in a Soyuz »Eje21


The rapid flights to the ISS open the possibility of surrounding the Moon in a Soyuz

Moscow, July 10 (Sputnik) .- The Russian spacecraft Soyuz can be launched to the Moon since the Vostochni cosmodrome after testing the super-short flight plan at the International Space Station (ISS), said cosmonautics promoter Vitali Egorov Sputnik.

"If at Vostochni the Soyuz rocket shuttle is modernized for the launching of the piloted ships, if an Angará rocket launcher is built there and if an oxygen-hydrogen stage is developed for the Angará-A5B rocket, then it will emerge possibility to launch a Soyuz spacecraft on the orbit of the moon and its return, "says the expert.

The Progress MS-09 spacecraft arrived on July 10th at the ISS for the first time in 3 hours and 40 hours. minutes, after only two rounds around the Earth.

Up to now, the fastest route was the four towers, which allowed reaching the station in 6 hours.

The traditional scheme requires 34 rounds and it takes two days

According to Egorov, the flight plan performed on Tuesday means the separate orbiting by means of two spacecraft rockets and the propulsion unit; after coupling the two parts, a flight system capable of moving the spacecraft in the vicinity of the Moon is obtained

Thus, the expert said, it is possible to send cosmonauts fly over the Moon or the Lunar Orbital International Lunar Station. Platform-Gateway, or send to the Moon tourists who want to repeat the flight of the American spacecraft Apollo 8.

"In this case, it would no longer be necessary to develop the Federatsia spacecraft and the super-heavy rocket based on Soyuz-5 At the end of June, the head of the Russian space entity Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, announced the possibility of piloted flights to the moon aboard ships. development of the new Federatsia spacecraft

The Federatsia (Federation) vessel is intended for the transport of cosmonauts and space charges, including flights to the Moon. [1965] 9003] It may embark a maximum of five members of the ship. crew, it will have a flight autonomy of 30 days and up to one year in stationary orbit.

It will be made 80% with composite materials, it will leave the workshops in 2021. (Sputnik) [19659011] [ad_2]
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