The Big Zoo opens in honor of Nicolás Guillén


The El Gran Zoo Library, one of Nicolás Guillén's best-known works, was inaugurated today in Havana, on the occasion of the 116th anniversary of the birth of the Poet Nacional of Cuba

Miguel Barnet, president of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), said that the opening of the bookstore, at the headquarters of this institution, coincides with the ephemerides of the lyricist, which he baderted that he will be an eternal youth, since he lived optimistically until his death, which occurred on July 17, 1989.

Barnet stated that the unity of Sale of books, which occupies one of the halls at the entrance of the UNEAC, is the result of a great effort to make more accessible to the public the acquisition of titles of Cuban and universal literature, both stories, as essays and novels.

He noted that the brand new facility bears the name of the Big Zoo, to be the job that he described as one of Guillén's finest, and which will gradually dispose of equipment more modern in order to provide a better service.

The President of UNEAC expressed his appreciation for what he considered a achievement, which pays tribute to the author of titles such as His Motivations, Sóngoro Cosongo, Elegía a Jesús Menéndez and La Paloma de Vuelo Popular.

Nicolás Guillén realized more than half a century ago the discovery of the son as a poetic form, a rhythmic mold of a musical genre resulting from the physical and spiritual crossbreeding of a people, and which has reached in his hands expressions of poetic flight.

I have tried to incorporate Cuban literature, not as a mere musical motif, but as an element of true poetry, what we might call poems, based on the technique of this kind of popular dance in our country, explained in a Text on the subject.

In The Great Zoo, the poet, whose life has been marked by a strong social and political commitment, becomes jovial, ironic and biting to build a zoo as a metaphor for the world.

Guillén, the voice of black poetry and mulatto, began writing the first poems of the El Gran Zoo in 1958, during his exile in Buenos Aires, and published them a year later in the Monday of Revolution magazine.

In 1967, they were collected in a volume published by the Cuban Book Institute.

Guillén was born on July 10, 1902 in the city of Camagüey

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