Start of the closing of the Bolivian football tournament seems guaranteed


La Paz, July 11 (Prensa Latina) The start of the Bolivian Football Closing Tournament seems guaranteed, after the National Federation of Discipline (FBF) and the country's football players (Fabol) reached an agreement . local press
After the imminent threat of Fabol boycotting the start of the national football competition, the day 20, seems to be respected after a verbal agreement between the two parties

The president of the FBF, César Salinas, commented that he is confident that the championship will start on Friday of next week, as expected, after badyzing several points of the meeting with Fabol.

In this way, Salinas argued that the FBF will badume the fees this semester Furthermore, he indicated that a working table will be badyzed for single contracts, consisting of lawyers from the national federation and of badociate football delegates. , scheduled from Wednesday 18 of this month.

Similarly, the Fabol has declared as a condition that the decisions of the Superior Court of Sports Discipline be executed

It was also provided that in the new regulations, the decisions of the Dispute Settlement Tribunal be executed immediately .

Salinas emphasized that these agreements will be incorporated in a Committee resolution. Executive of the FBF at the meeting scheduled for tomorrow.

mgt / amm

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