I will make Cuban music all my life


July 11, 2018, 20:42 By Alain Valdes Sierra

Havana, July 11 (PL) The Dominican Jose Alberto & # 39; & # 39; El Canario 's, one of the most recognized voices in salsa music, arrived today in Cuba to participate in the Josone Varadero Jazz & Salsa Festival, an event that says "What's up? will open many doors ".

Just minutes from his arrival in Havana, the award-winning artist made statements to Prensa Latina about his participation in the event that will host the Varadero station from tomorrow until the 15th. July, and on the opportunities it offers to the island to strengthen its position as a destination for appointments of this nature.

"I'm going to do my repertoire and the things I've recorded with Septeto Santiaguero on the album" I do not want to cry. Tribute to Los Compadres, I would also like to sing something from my new album titled "Salsa," he said.

Owner of a large solo discography and part of the orchestra Típica & # 39; 73, & # 39; El Canario & # 39; will take the stage of Josone Park in Varadero accompanied by the Cuban musician Isaac Delgado's orchestra, and will share with the audience the successes of his career such as Bailemos otra vez, Apologize, Señora, La gitana, Paella, and Sueño contigo.

Cuba occupies a special place in It hopes that the country will host many festivals of this kind in the immediate future. and this festival is a "launch", another window that opens, I wish the greatest success and hope that it will continue to be celebrated.

"Many musicians have shown interest in singing here, and the myth of Cuba as a forbidden end destination, I work around the world, why are they going to ban me from coming to Cuba if I come to give music and happiness? ", points out the winner of the Grammy Award

" El Canario "I take advantage of the exchange to refer to the controversy aroused by his statements to the Dominican radio show" Enjoying 3 to 5 ", where he gave his personal opinion on the Cuban timba (popular musical genre), words later distorted by other means. [19659005]" They were not clear words, but at no time did I want to offend, or mistreat, or hurt the feelings of any Cuban musician.I was just giving my opinion on the timba, but my words were distorted, out-of-context phrases that allowed me to understand things that I did not say. not and that I did not think, "he said, the greatest respect and admiration for Cuban musicians. They are great artists, because of the importance of Cuba as a musical center.

"Cuba is the" killer "of music, and what I do is the root of that, I work traditional music, also that of the 1950s 1960, and that's my personal taste. The Canary will do Cuban music all his life until the day he dies.

Josone Varadero's Jazz & Salsa starts tomorrow at 9:30 pm local time with a concert by young local jazz musician Alejandro Falcón, escorted by the program of American jazz musician Nicholas Peyton and the popular urban music duo Gente of Zona

. The date will be extended until July 15 and among the most renowned artists of his poster, there is the Puerto Rican salsa player Gilberto Santa Rosa, the Salvadoran singer Álvaro Torres and the Cuban jazz musicians Ernán López-Nussa and Horacio & El Negro & # 39; Hernandez

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