Cyclist Tricolor Leads Flying Goals in Venezuela | Other sports | Sports


For the third consecutive day, Imbabureño Cristian Pita, of the Movistar Team Ecuador, remains at the top of the flying goals of the 35th Cycling Tour of Venezuela. In the seventh stage that was played yesterday between the cities of Nirgua and Morón, on a 145.40 kilometer road, the Ecuadorian came in fifth place, detailed in a press release from the telephone company.

Yesterday the Ecuadorian continues to top the ranking of the fastest riders, with 31 units, followed by the Venezuelan Simón Marín (Team Bicicletas Castilla, with 21.

L & # 39; Movistar team Ecuador points out that with 79 points, Pita also leads the ranking by puntots and his escort is Leonel Quintero (Miranda Trek government), with 76.

Anderson Paredes is the best rider of the Ecuadorian team in the overall standings, placing himself in the third box 1 minute 44 seconds behind the leader, the Italian Mateo Spreafico (Androni Giocattoli Sidermec), which cumulates 25 hours, 50 minutes, 53 seconds.

For his part, Byron Guamá, one of the most experienced of the team Movistar Ecuad or, at this moment, he is ranked 15th in the overall standings.

In the team standings, the continental team ran in second place among fourteen teams, only behind the government Miranda Trek, who leads the competition. (D)

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