Intense rains cause total collapse in Havana


A new total collapse occurred in the Cuban capital. The collapse took place in a house in Cerro, on Avenida Vía Blanca, at the corner of Chaple.

Although in this case there were no deaths to cry, since the occupants of the dwelling were not there when it collapsed, The mother and her son lost everything .

"Everything was lost," says the woman, although she is grateful not to be at home: "Thank God, I was not there, I was at my godmother's house" , she adds.

According to the information published in the official media, the heavy rains of the previous hours would have caused the sad event, which corroborates the delegate from constituency 66, who comments that "it was for the moment, with the rain "and it is the" first time that pbades in this district. "

" Apparently, the promontory of land on which the house was built has undergone a landslide which caused the fall of said construction in masonry, "he was informed n the note published in Cubadebate .

The place was moved several ambulances and members of the fire department and the police, who certified that there were no wounded.

The procedure for cases like these happens to "carry out the badignment survey" to decide, later, whether they can be housed or self-transported.

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