A Fighting Congress: For Better Journalism and a Better Country> Cuba> Granma


The recently approved communication policy in the country demonstrates the qualitatively superior change between the X Congress of the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC), which began this Friday in the capital, and the previous one, held five years ago, in October 2013, members of the organization said Friday.
"At that time, the debate was on the field of diagnosis and aspirations.Today, we have a practical policy, a strategic map of communication that integrates society as a whole and recognizes a fundamental principle : Communication and information are a right and a public good, "said Vice President of the organization Miriam Elizalde
This is not a policy of self -indulgence, it was not put aside, the day of its approval, it began to be implemented.
"Today, for example, there is an oral voice of our Council of Ministers, responding to many requests from citizens. These are signs that politics is progressing ",
appreciated the journalist.
Nevertheless, we must be realistic, he said.The fact that we have a communication policy does not mean that we can solve the problems overnight.Other policies, such as the law on environmental protection, did not turn all Cubans into activist ecologists.
"We live with a lot of problems and this instrument in hand is a step that we must all accompany, as we do ", he said.
This congress calls us to badyze how to implement the communication policy Raúl Garcés Corra, Dean of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Havana

We are realistic to interpret that a set of goals and principles, even perfect, does not magically solve problems which also have a cultural sediment and the inertia of traditions, coincided.
"A policy is a spirit, a regulatory umbrella, a tool for looking at the future in an articulated manner, and in the case of Cuba, even amid historical and current threats, it is Opportunity to rediscover socialism with a modern, participatory, innovative, and irrevocably democratic symbolic face, "he said
departure, said the dean, as political will and awareness of the need to modernize the state, and that the goal is to more effectively use information, communication and technology.
Do not hesitate, warned.The more channels there are, of supports and languages ​​to give a voice to people, the more the need to communicate with a strategic vision is obvious.Is what this policy is for, but how can we make it a living movement? future challenges? ", he asked.
Among the main challenges are management, institutionality, innovation and credibility. he stressed.
"The future of the Cuban Revolution is played out in the economic and political spheres, but also with a lot of force, or even above all, in the symbolic realm." Do not leave time to do what needs to be done made to generate strong and unifying symbols of the nation, appealing to younger generations, "said Raúl Garcés.
For his part, Randy Alonso Falcón, director of the Cubadebate website and the television show Mesa Redonda it is essential that media managers encourage creativity in newsrooms and implement communication policy.
Let's turn this policy into reality, let's translate it to media specifics: if it is not not perfect, its implementation will facilitate the achievement of measurable and evaluable results: that is, in my opinion, what awaits us, concluded the journalist Hugo Rius Journalism José Martí
En This sense, Marino Murillo, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, badured that it would not be an easy task. Much remains to be done, starting with the preparation of standards and the definition of their implementation. It's a challenge for everyone.
But after this dialogue, something is clear, agreed Joel Suárez, head of the ideological department of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party and Victor Gaute, member of the secretariat of the Central Committee: it is the weapon to achieve the transformation we want in our society. "
In the citase he recalled Fidel, the greatest communicator of the island and who has always maintained a close relationship with Cuban journalists, and Antonio Moltó, president of the organization until the end of the year. as of August 15, 2017, a tireless journalist who knew, like no one else, giving a house feel to the House of the Press.
On the first day of this X Congress – which brings together At the Convention Center, more 260 direct delegates from all over the country attended, in addition, ministers, deputy ministers and officials of central state administration bodies.

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