Sao Paulo Forum, a window for the Latin American Union


The Sao Paulo Forum will be a showcase for badyzing the situation in Latin America and ratifying unity as a mechanism to fight against attacks on our countries, said MEP Soledad Buendía

The legislature, which is part of a delegation of parliamentarians attending the meeting, scheduled in Havana from July 15 to 17, deemed relevant the exchange between the movements and the progressive political parties of the region.

"The Forum is fundamental at this time when conservative restoration is developing in Latin America, with coups in countries like Brazil, Argentina and Ecuador. himself, "he says in an interview with Prensa Latina

. triumphs like that of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who recently won the presidency of Mexico, which represents new opportunities for the region. [196] 59003] Buendía also emphasized the fact that the conclave is held in Cuba, because in his opinion he sends a strong message to the progressive and leftist organizations

The Assemblywoman, representative of the National Accord for the Movement for the Citizen Revolution (MANA), an organization gathering signatures for legalization before the National Electoral Council, explained that the Forum hopes to bring legislative proposals to generate a debate.

He indicated that he also aspires to gather information from other delegates about the situations In the case of MANA, he stated that his presence at the meeting, the third meeting of this kind organized on the territory of the Caribbean, will be used to describe what he considered to be the process of deinstitutionalization in force in this Andean country, where the judicial organs themselves persecute the leaders of the so-called Decada Ganada (2007-2017), when Rafael Correa ruled. [196590"IlseraessentieldesouligneretderemettreenquestionlapersécutionpolitiquequiexistedesinstitutionstellesqueleBureauduContrôleuretleBureauduProcureurpouranéantirlesopposantspolitiquesaugouvernement"didilinsistésurlefaitqu'ilsconcentrerontleursprésentationssurlesaffairesdel'ancienvice-présidentJorgeGlasquipurgesixansdeprisonpourbadociationillicitedanslecadredelacorruptiondelasociétébrésilienneOdebrechtaprèsunprocessusentachéd'illégalitésselonlesavocatsdeladéfense

They also explain the status of the & # 39; ex Correa, to whom a detention order is suspended after to have been linked to the alleged abduction of ex-legislator Fernando Balda, in 2012 in Colombia, where he was a fugitive from Ecuadorian justice

"This will be an important space for unification The unity of Latin America will allow us to overcome and position a speech.In front of the headquarters of the media and st strategy, the people must know what is happening and it will be a good opportunity to transfer information and denounce what is happening in the context of the struggle of peoples. "

that many leaders of governments and social organizations expressed their solidarity with Glas and Correa, expressed his hope that the forum will approve a resolution of support for the two and other companions who are also targets for persecution

"We will raise the voices The Sao Paulo Forum will be a new step towards the necessary regional integration."

The MANA delegation to the event will also be integrated by Gabriela Rivadeneira, Bairon Valle, Carlos Viteri, Franklin Samaniego, Pavel Muñoz and Carmen Rivadeneira, besides Ricardo Patiño, one of the leaders of the Movement

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