The resident commissioner notes that Fema acknowledges that she has not responded adequately in the emergency


Commissioner Jennifer González Colón said today that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) itself acknowledges that it has not yielded the best results in the past. his answer to Puerto Rico due to hurricane. We understand that the agency itself acknowledged that the answer on the island was not the best, "said the Puerto Rican MP in written statements.

" This was reiterated by various agencies in Congress. . The lack of a supplies plan for Puerto Rico when 80% of the supplies found on the island were sent to the Virgin Islands after Hurricane Irma, left the Puerto Ricans in the middle of the hurricane season, "he added.

He indicated that when Fema sent most of the supplies that were in Puerto Rico to the Virgin Islands to deal with Hurricane Irma," they should have been more proactive in restoring the island since our peak season. hurricanes. During several meetings we talked about these issues and the agency acknowledged that she was going to adjust her emergency plan so that it would not happen again.

He will ask the agency to submit a detailed report on the supplies available. on the island and the federal action plan in this hurricane season.

"We will send an information request to the directors of Fama to detail the amount of awnings, beds, food, water and staff they have in Puerto Riche. To face this hurricane season, it is important that Fema prepare to have a larger supply of supplies divided by territory and I know that the long-term manager and FEMA staff badigned to Puerto Rico are in the best provision to improve what is needed to ensure the best response to these emergency situations, "he explained.

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