Chair Díaz-Canel final session of the X Upec Congress (+ Photos and Videos) • Workers


Session of the X UPEC Congress corresponding to July 14

The President of the Councils of State and Ministers, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, presides the last working session of the X Congress of the Union of Journalists of Cuba taking place this Saturday at the Havana Convention Center

  Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena
Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena

Also present are Marino Murillo Jorge and Víctor Gaute López, members of the Political Bureau and the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, respectively, and Joel Suárez Pellé, head of the ideological department of the Party, and Abel Prieto, Minister of Culture, among other leaders.

The elements that should not be missing in the model of The Dreaming Cuban Press necessarily involve a set of premises with an attractive, creative, credible and intentional essence in its content. This was underlined by the interventions of the delegates during the debate on the subject presented by Ariel Terrero, member of the National Committee of the Upec of Cuban Journalists, in the morning session ..

D & # 39; anecdote turned into a chronicle, Joel García, a worker reporter, said that the communication policy for many is a "table of savings of our aspirations" after many years, while for others, he is still time to wait for the time needed to express and complicated change of mentality that will imply for public servants.

  Joel García, worker journalist. Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena
Joel García, worker journalist. Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena

Today, we dream of a press model for socialism that contains the most authentic values ​​as a nation, the most modern technological innovation and the most creative ability inherited from the best professionals. – that this new model allows the voices (ministers and other sectors or decision-makers) beyond the communication that the president already has with his people ", which has the criticism beside the galloping chronicle at the same rate, that the directors to be the real responsible for the management of the content.

He believes that "Upec's mission is to accompany the socio-economic transformations of the country with a new face: to inform, to explain the measures and to warn and denounce when something is wrong. In essence, show the real Cuba. "

The press looks like society," said Dr. Raúl Garcés Corra, dean of the School of Social Communication at the University of Havana, asking if we are talking about a model of press or communication model

"The press is not a happy island", he said, it is a system that is in other systems, it dialogues with these systems, it reflects them, it conditions these systems and it is conditioned by these other systems. "

The press model that dreams of Cuba must be, but how will we achieve transparency, measure the right of citizens, measuring the public good ?, s? Plenary Inquiry

For Yoslei Carrero, reporter of the Information System of Cuban Television, it is necessary to rethink the relations between the media communication and institutional sources (ministries, enterprises and organizations.) The media, he stressed, are not extension of them.

Enrique Ojito, journalist of the newspaper Escambray, believes that we can theoretically have our best press model, but it is not incorporated in substantive, attractive, in us will have spent a lot of time building agendas related to our audiences

Communicating, Dialogue and Participating: A Vital Trilogy

Social Communication will encourage citizens to dialogue and participate in social and political collective life, as a premise of the conscious transformation of reality. Without communication – which is not just information – there is no participation.

  Ariel Terrero, president of the International Institute of Journalism José Martí. Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena
Ariel Terrero, president of the International Institute of Journalism José Martí. Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena

Here is what the document The model of press dream of Cuba, presented by Ariel Terrero, member of the National Committee of the Union of Cuban Journalists (Upec) at the opening of the last session of the Congress.

Ninth Upec Congress Cuban journalists discussed, badyzed and worked to renew Cuba's press model, animated by a series of concepts that have gained consensus within and outside of Cuba. the guild and for historical and political reasons, will not come out in the image and likeness of other, but of our own conceptions and needs, and in accordance with the dynamics of 39, a socialism also in renewal that has never turned a blind eye to the international experience

Terrero said that the recently approved communication policy offers keys on how to deal with the complex web of changes economic, political and economic, legal and social, which are in full execution in the country

Reviewing some of the impacts of the political and social changes generated by the Party of In our press model, the paper stresses that the design of the economic and social model Cuba has defined the need for "to achieve effective social communication, with emphasis on quality and access timely to public information, "in addition to postulating the strategic value of social communication.

and other statements – adds – have added signs that constitute the evidence and accelerator of political consensus in society in favor of a transformation of the press model of society, of technology, media, academia and the organization of journalists

Among professionals reiterated the need to safeguard the political character and clbad of our press, the purpose The social role in which it is supported and the preponderant role of the Party as the vanguard force of society

The change in the press, as we see, can not be solved in isolation, but rather environment of a global improvement and root endogenous, orderly and intelligent, of our social system and must convert professionals into agents of this transformation, and recognize them as such so that their contributions themselves he was fertile, effective, expressed terrero [19659006] He recalled that from 2013, a committee of journalists developed proposals for the renewal of the Cuban press model and promoted its collective badysis in plenary of the National Committee of Upec and in other areas of debate, to enrich the process of collective reflection, encourage the spirit of innovation and make their own proposals for renewal.

After studying political and legal documents and proposals from various media This Commission has devised a basic project for a strategic management model of social communication, with conceptual definitions on the structure of the media system, the forms property, the communication economy and the methods of financing. 19659006] This Upec effort has largely contributed to the communication policy recently approved by the state and the government, including among its definitions that radio, television, print and other media, as well as the technology platforms used by them belong to the state or society and may in no case be subject to private ownership.

Broadcasting and telecommunication services are public and are supported by the state. citizenship. Likewise, the mbad media, whatever their format or technological support, constitute a good and a public service.

He emphasizes the text that "information, communication and knowledge constitute a public good and a citizen's right". It is necessary – suggests the document – to reinforce the managerial or administrative capacities in the media and in the agencies to which they are subordinate, a problem which persists today. Without adequate attention to the communication economy is not possible strategic management for the change of the communication system

We do not discover anything new if we say that a press release authentically socialist has been developed nowhere in the world. Our press has the imperative to help bridge this gap and discover the potential that the new society offers to the development of journalism, "said Terrero.

 picture: Joaquín Hernández Mena
picture: Joaquín Hernández Mena
  picture: Joaquín Hernández Mena
picture: Joaquín Hernández Mena
  picture: Joaquín Hernández Mena
picture: Joaquín Hernández Mena
  picture: Joaquín Hernández Mena
picture: Joaquín Hernández Mena
  picture: Joaquín Hernández Mena
picture: Joaquín Hernández Mena
  picture: Joaquín Hernández Mena
picture: Joaquín Hernández Mena [19659049] Photography: Joaquín Hernández Mena "width =" 750 "height =" 497 "srcset ="×497.jpg 750w, http: //×248.jpg 375w,×509.jpg 768w, 800w "sizes =" (max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px "/>
Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena [19659046] Photo: Joaquín Hernandez Mena ” width=”750″ height=”447″ srcset=”×447.jpg 750w,×224.jpg 375w,×458.jpg 768w, 800w” sizes=”(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px”/>
Photo: Joaquín Hernandez Mena
  Photo: Joaquín Hernandez Mena
Photo: Joaquín Hernandez Mena
  Photo: Joaquín Hernandez Mena
Photo: Joaquín Hernandez Mena
  Photo: Joaquín Hernandez Mena
Photo: Joaquín Hernandez Mena
  Photo: Joaquín Hernandez Mena
JFoto: Joaquín Hernandez Mena

Concludes this seated The X Congress of Upec

Presided by Víctor Gaute López, a member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, began last Saturday the last working day of the X Congress of the Union of Journalists of Cuba taking place this Saturday at the Convention Center of Havana.

Abel Prieto Jiménez, Minister of Culture, Joel Suárez Pellé, Head of the Ideological Department of the Central Committee; Alfonso Noya, president of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television, Vice Presidents of Upec and other guests

The theme The model of press dreaming of Cuba begins the sessions of the conclave whose program includes the report of the five commissions; will announce the new guild presidency and the Upec action plan for the period 2018-2023.

The day before, delegates focused their work on the comprehensive badysis of the state's communication policy and the draft statutes and code of ethics, as well as the working groups that reviewed Upec operation, ethics and social communication, media aggression against Cuba, innovation and new technologies and content management.

25-member national committee

More than 200 delegates from across the country attend the event Convened under the motto The Truth Needs Us and dedicated to Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz and Antonio Moltó, President of the organization until his death on August 15, 2017.

Session of the X UPEC Congress corresponding to July 13

The debate in the press is the debate for the defense of the Revolution

Marino Murillo Jorge, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba, addressed delegates attending the first working session of the Tenth Congress of the Union of Journalists of Cuba (Upec) will take place this Friday at the Havana Convention Center

  Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena
Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena

About the social communication policy, a topic largely tackled by a score of 20 people. interventions, noted that a Congress has been reached with an approved policy that includes three decree laws; This is not perfect, but it's a starting point to start working and the way to apply it will not be easy, it's complex and you have an extremely important role , he said.

Development warned that if we are not clear on how we will measure compliance with the policy indicators, its goals and objectives, we run the risk of falling asleep.

The subject of communication is complex and has become two. groups: one on the press on the one hand and the administrative one on the other and that needs to be integrated. If evil does not communicate, it is not good to do something that leaves doubts in the environment, he said.

He then criticized the fact that certain levels of administrative management give totally incorrect answers, sometimes too triumphalist. that people live

  Joel Suárez Pellé, head of the ideological department of the Central Committee of the Party (right). Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena
Joel Suárez Pellé, head of the ideological department of the Party Central Committee (right). Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena

According to Joel Suárez Pellé, head of the ideological department of the Party's Central Committee, communication policy opens up challenges; It belongs to the state and the government, but also to society, he adds.

In this sense, he designs the integration with the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (Uneac), the Hermanos Saíz Association, the Association of Communicators. Social and social science institutions such as the Cuban History Institute and the Union of Historians, among others. All together, we must participate in the implementation of this policy, which should be a weapon to achieve what we want, said Víctor Gaute López, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Party, that the policy opens challenges and We are invited to go to a more intense work stage and that everyone knows how to contribute to the application of its principles and objectives, something whose timetable can not exceed six months.

The press can be a decisive element in creating a better situation from a civic point of view. The debate in the press – he stressed – is the debate for the defense of the Revolution.

This is the most demanding policy we have at the level of society, at a time when the Revolution is being rethought and contributing to the maximum. that every citizen feels a participant and protagonist of the work, commented.

In the morning session, the draft Statutes and the Code of Ethics were presented, a document on which there were proposals with different nuances and opinions on their content. In this regard, the meeting entrusted the new national committee to write new content, in line with current projections of Upec.

Elson Concepción, chairman of the Congress Nominating Committee, presented the proposed 15 professionals for the position of According to the agenda of the Congress, in the afternoon, delegates will hold debates in five commissions on the operation of Upec, ethics and social communication, the media aggression against Cuba, innovation and new technologies and management. of content

The event ends this Saturday and on its last day the theme A Press Model for Socialism in Cuba will be badyzed, the commissions will present a report on the main statements expressed by the participants, the new presidency will be presented the organization and will be submitted for approval in plenary of the action plan of Upec for stage 2018-2023

At this session, the Statutes of the Upec and the Code of Ethics have been presented and approved, amendments made to certain Articles of the Articles.

Quality touches the nerve of what is happening

Ensure that communication policy is not put on hold in briefcases and is more participatory and discussed with all media professionals, which led to uphold our social values, to save decency and to contribute to strengthening the teaching of history, were central to the reflections of the opening day of the X Congress of 39; Union of Cuban Journalists (Upec).

More than approve a communication policy, all newspapers and radios need to take control, to concentrate experiences and to socialize them in networks, several delegates have been in agreement with the conclave.

From this congress should come an agreement on when and how we go. He asked Mr. Raúl Garcés Corra, Dean of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Havana, to know the progress and the progress of the project. application of the policy.

José Alejandro Rodríguez, Award José Martí National Journalism declared that we are at a crucial moment that challenges the union and the heads of the institutions and called for solving the problems which lasted for years between the two parties.

  José Alejandro Rodríguez, José Martí National Journalism Award. Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena
José Alejandro Rodríguez, José Martí National Journalism Award. Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena

"Quality touches the nerve of what is happening", he said in his words, in which he also stressed that this requires journalists who ask questions to a specific minister . The feeling of people on the street, in a corner.

"Politics will be a role in the drawer if we do not review the journalism we do, often with an administrative language," said Arleen Rodríguez Derivet, Program Facilitator. Cuban round table on television

  Arleen Rodríguez Derivet, host of the Cuban television show Mesa Redonda. Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena
Arleen Rodríguez Derivet, Program Facilitator of the Cuban Television Roundtable. Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena

A Congress for Truth and Truth

"The Truth Needs Us", is the slogan that presides over the X Congress of the Union of Cuban Journalists (Upec) in the Havana Convention Center in which some 270 delegates to the meeting discuss the topic How to contribute Cuban press and journalism to the implementation of the communication policy?

  Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena
Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena

The introduction to the debate was in charge of Dr. Raúl Garcés Corra, Dean of the Faculty of Communication of the University of La Havana with the document "We have politics … what now?"

states that "a policy is a spirit, a regulatory umbrella, a tool for looking at the future in an articulated manner, and in the case of Cuba, even amid historical and current is the opportunity to rediscover socialism with a symbolic, modern, participatory, innovative and irrevocably democratic face

By exposing the forces that help journalism in the world.The country cited the awareness of the need to modernize the state and that this goal is to make more effective use of information, communication and technology.

He stated in his speech that "we would launch the worst political signals If, in the eyes of citizens, we present a former public administration, lacking creativity and imagination, unable to meet the requirements of the networked society, slow to generalize its innovative results. "

Garcés thought that precisely, they had to come from more than any other sector of society, the solutions to generate a strong electronic government, simplify the procedures of the people, shortening the distances between citizens and civil servants, without technocratically dehumanizing social relations

"The time when the state exercised its communicative practice without the competence of the other actors was definitely behind schedule," he said, stating that "to achieve certain hierarchies of Communication in public discourse is a much more complex but at the same time more challenging goal. "

  Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena
Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena

The administration said that A recent survey conducted by the School of Communication of the University of Havana showed that the biggest gaps in media settings are specifically in the processes that would most lead to organizational change.

editorial processes, but less about the functioning of integrated newsrooms or about the administration, or the creative management of social networks, "he points out

. Another more recent study yields equally disturbing results: creativity and innovation are not highly valued compared to others that characterize "If we want sustainable Cuban journalism to be considered, we had better build a vision. of the future as soon as possible, to translate it to the specificities of each press organ, to discuss it collectively and to transform it into measurable results. , evaluable and verifiable short, medium and long term "

In another moment of his reflection he said that" we would suffer less secrecy if the communication strategies of some public entities were not dead documents , waiting for revisions "above."

He also felt that "if communication instructions were duly hierarchical in institutional organizational charts, if we understood that communication culture is not just the heritage of communicators and journalists, but also decision makers, civil servants, all of society. "


Cuban journalists began their X Congress

] The X Congress of the Union of Journalists of Cuba (Upec) began its sessions this Friday at the Havana Convention Center with the participation of 267 delegates representing more than 3 .000 professionals who make up the sector.

  Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena
Photo: Joaquín Hernández Mena

Presidents of the morning session Marino Murillo Jorge, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba; Víctor Gaute López, member of its secretariat; César Joel Suárez Pellé, head of the ideological department of the Central Committee of the Party; Alfonso Noya, president of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television, as well as vice presidents of Upec and guests

The event is dedicated to the memory of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz and Antonio Moltó Martorel, who was president of Upec, died last August. As a prelude to the event, a video was presented that includes the presence of the Cuban leader at different times with the journalists; also recalls the conferences held by the Upec and Moltó's reflections on the role of revolutionary journalism

The badysis of the subject How to contribute the press to Cuban journalism to the implementation of the communication policy? it will be the central focus of the debate in this first day in which was also presented the new national committee of Upec integrated by 45 professionals.

  Photo: Joaquín Hernandez Mena
Photo: Joaquín Hernandez Mena

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