Cuban Press: Talent and Loyalty


Photo: Irene Pérez / Cubadebate

Cuban journalists have the merit of having supported the voice of the nation in the most adverse circumstances, with loyalty, a sense of responsibility, talent and talent. Admirable enthusiasm, said the president of the State Councils and Ministers, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, in the clause of the X Congress of the Union of Journalists of Cuba.

No one expects those who are proud to belong to an ennobled guild of their origins by intellectuals of the caliber of José Martí and Fidel Castro expressed at the close of the tenth Congress of the Union of Cuban Journalists

It recognizes that after years of serious material deficiencies and unacceptable misunderstandings from some sources, most of it has struggled very hard to properly perform work that requires talent, efforts and ideals very high.

Díaz-Canel said that has never been so difficult for the panorama. ediático, but the Revolution – from the first day – understood the role of the press in the defense of the besieged strength.

In defense of the truths of Cuba

Thanks to the understanding that his truth needs journalism, Cuba was able to build a public media system whose main strength is the journalists, more effective is the most authentic, original and creative that they are, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez said

of the Union of Cuban Journalists, the President of State Councils and Ministers, baderted that the recently approved communication policy will improve the functioning of the press.

He emphasized that it is defined by Finally, as a citizen's right and public good, access to information, communication and knowledge gives more of power to the press and requires obligations for institutions, organizations and authorities

The new communication policy respects diversity and defends the symbols and values ​​of the nation Díaz- Canel at the Congress of Cuban Journalists

Neither the Media nor the Journalists They Are For Sale

Miguel Diaz-Canel, President of the State Councils and Ministers, at the closing of the Congress of the Union of Cuban Journalists, said that during the sharing of experiences with reporters, understands better why Fidel asked to be considered as one of them .

The loyalty and sense of belonging of those who practice the profession of journalist, in addition to talent and effort, need high ideals to reject the offers of payment that the campaign industry against Cuba, opportunistic and does not put at the disposal of those who have a price or naively believe in the false libertarian speech of the market apologists, pointed out D íaz-Canel

The Cuban president recalled that may lack material resources but not ethics and morals and warned against the stimulating and difficult media landscape to point out that neither the public media nor its media in Cuba journalists are for sale

A successful event, the Congress of Journalists

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, summing up the X UPEC Congress, described as a successful event for ground proposals ide and contributing, from the experience of grbadroots organizations.

The tenth edition was reached with a social communication policy, a document that defines as the citizen's right the right to information, communication and knowledge, Dit Diaz-Canel [19659008] He also pointed out that the communication policy establishes obligations in this sense to the institution. ions, organizations, authorities, which defends the values ​​and symbols of the Nation and commands respect for diversity.

The document that has just been approved declares communication as a strategic resource of state and government management and recognizes for mbad media only the state and social properties.

Journalists with a total commitment to engagement Patrio

The two days of the X Congress of the Union of Journalists of Cuba, came to reaffirm the total commitment and commitment professionals of the word with the construction of socialism.

Representatives of the media across the country, held this weekend at the Havana Convention Center, a broad debate from key documents that bring together the key concepts of the press model that dreams Cuba and what can be done and must be done from each place by ideas to support the implementation of the recently approved communication policy

The cited document defines the need, transparency, quality and timeliness of public information , as well as access to it. It also posits the strategic value of social communication, in which the media play a leading role and their profiles on social networks.

Modernizing the Media System

The X Congress of the UPEC, whose session The final was attended by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, who screened until 2023

This agenda includes support efforts in newsrooms to change its business and editorial management model, promote innovative processes in the media Squeeze and collaborate in the expansion of a business. communication culture.

The objective of the proposals is to help modernize the media system and to honor the sector, in the interest of dynamic journalism and reflection on the lives of the people of the Revolution. 19659008] By virtue of this, the UPEC is called upon to maintain the ongoing dialogue with affiliates, to stimulate professional ethics and to strengthen the work of grbadroots organizations and specialized circles, as well as to promote the work of the organization. developing the media agenda with popular opinion.

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