The Brazilian Chancellor absent from the Celac-EU ministerial meeting


15 July 2018, 13:47 Brasilia, 15 July (PL) Brazil will be represented by Ambbadador Marcos Galvao and not by Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes at the Second Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs Foreign Community of the States of Latin America and the Caribbean (Celac) – European Union, were announced today.

Galvao, Secretary General of Foreign Affairs, will lead the Brazilian delegation to the meeting to be held on July 16 and 17 in Brussels and will offer the opportunity to discuss bilateral cooperation and reaffirm the values ​​that bring the country closer together. 39 Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union at the international level.

During the meeting, said a note from the local Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issues such as international peace and security, trade, environment, sustainable development, and exchanges in the field of science and technology , among others.

Latin America and the Caribbean maintain a tradition of common dialogue with the EU 20 years, says the document and stresses that the bi-regional badociation is developing continuously and has, even, a plan for Action that was updated in 2015.

The same "expose" identifies instruments and activities aimed at capacity building, with concrete results in various areas, including climate change, research and innovation, gender, and citizen safety, among other issues.

Nunes will arrive in Brussels on July 17 at night, with the other foreign ministers. The Southern Common Market (Mercosur) will meet the following day with European Commission Trade Commissioner Cecília Malmström and Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan.

jf / mpm

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