Positive closure of the school year at Sierra de Cubitas (+ Audio)


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Camagüey, Education, Quality, Teach, School Year, Sierra de Cubitas

  Nereisi Gutiérrez Labrada, Director of Education in Sierra de Cubitas. Sierra de Cubitas, Camagüey, July 17 – With positive results, the school year has ended in this municipality of Camagüey, where greater integration of the school in the community and the Popular Council.

Indicators of promotion and retention, the reinforcement of values, the improvement of teachers and the school-family link in the formation of new generations were decisive. recently completed stage

With the proposal of options for the holiday stadium is realized, in turn, an important recognition for outstanding teachers and students.

More details in the following report by María del Carmen Castañeda Varona, Radio Cubitas (Photo by the author)

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