The IACHR expresses "serious concern" over the criminalization of academics in Cuba | Latin America | DW


The Office of the Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expressed on Tuesday 17.07.2018 a "grave concern" for the punishment of year in prison last May by a Cuban court against the Cuban biologist and environmental activist Ariel Ruiz Urquiola

In a statement, the Office of the Special Rapporteur considered that there was a "resurgence" in Cuba of the "criminalization" of academics, journalists, artists and activists. The commission referred to the case of Cuban opponent Eduardo Cardet, who replaced dissident Osvaldo Payá as head of the Christian Liberation Movement and is serving a three-year prison sentence for publicly criticizing Cuban leader Fidel Castro ( 1926-2016).

Ruiz Urquiola, 44, was sentenced on May 8 to one year in prison for a crime of "disregard for authority". He was charged with this charge because on May 3 he was quarreled with two members of the body of state guards who asked him for legal permits to operate on the farm that he owns. usufruct since 2015 in the valley of Viñales, a natural area of ​​Pinar del Rio where develops an environmental project

"Abuse of power"

Ruiz Urquiola considered that the sentence was "unfair" and "arbitrary" and, in response, went on hunger strike and thirst for 16 days, which led to his admission to the hospital. On July 3, the biologist and activist was able to return home to Havana after being released for health reasons through an "extra-criminal authorization", a legal entity that does not cancel the sentences imposed.

Ruiz Urquiola was fired in 2016 from the University of Havana, where he was working as an investigator, after being accused of repeated and unmotivated absences, a motive that the activist rejects while considering that in his dismissal there was "abuse of power".

He was declared a "prisoner" of conscience "on 12 June by Amnesty International (AI), who requested his release, a claim that was joined by the authorities of the Cuban Catholic Church, the Government of United States and the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro

CT (EFE, dpa)

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