Donald Trump's tariffs affect the Ivanka brand


Ottawa – The largest chain of department stores in Canada, the Hudson's Bay Company, has removed Ivanka Trump's clothing, footwear and other products from its website, and has stated that it would reduce the sales of

The store measure, which also has the rights of Saks Fifth Avenue and Lord & Taylor in the United States, comes at a time when many Canadians are boycotting American products because of President Donald Trump's decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum in Canada, as well as repeated insults to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. According to the record, the decision to stop marketing the brand was made last fall

More than two thousand Canadians responded to the New York Times when they were asked about their reaction to the Trump shares. In the responses, there was a mixture of feelings of anger, confusion, sadness and betrayal.

Many of them claimed that they would do everything they could to keep American products from their shopping lists.

Looks at several campaigns, including Grab Your Wallet, that encourage consumers not to buy at retail stores that offer Trump family products.

Ivanka Trump's products disappeared from the Hudson's Bay website on Friday. However, Ivanka Trump brand clothing can still be found in her store in downtown Ottawa, and Canadian media have reported that the same is true in other cities.

In a brief statement, Hudson's Bay He made no reference to boycotts and refused to comment on them. Instead, he hinted that the Ivanka Trump brand was not particularly successful.

"Hudson's Bay gradually removes the brand based on its performance," the company said. "In the normal course of our business, we review the merchandise we offer and make the necessary changes."

Last fall, the Hudson's Bay told the company that "we are in the business of doing business. it was selling the Ivanka Trump brand which would withdraw its products from the market. A few months before Canadian anger against Donald Trump reached his maximum expression for the actions he's been taking in commercial matters and his conduct after the G7 summit, which Trudeau has welcomed.

Although Ivanka Trump resigned to executive positions in the company that bears her name, the financial reports show that, thanks to her, he made a profit of more than $ 5 million for his sales. Last year.

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