The Chamber of Deputies calls on the government to make efforts to materialize the creation of a Palestinian state


With 72 votes in favor, on Thursday, the draft agreement presented by a group of 10 deputies was approved asks the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to intensify its efforts so that – by the strict respect UN resolutions and international law – a Palestinian state "free, independent and sovereign" is materializing, as recognized Chile in 2011, under the first term of President Piñera.

"Here, there is a people who after 70 years can not wait. We can not allow Israel to continue with impunity with its policy of new settlements, land confiscation, house demolitions and the displacement of Palestinian civilians, which seeks only to continue the ethnic cleansing begun in 1948 Therefore, with this project We ask our Foreign Ministry to generate concrete actions to meet this fair demand, "said MP Marcelo Diaz (19459003)

The project – promoted by MPs Sergio Gahona, Daniel Nunez and Jorge Brito, Manuel Monsalve, Marcos Ilabaca, Ricardo Celis, Natalia Castillo, Marcela Sabat, Boris Barrera and Leopoldo Perez – point out that since the 1967 war, Israel has continuously colonized the occupied Palestinian territories, making the solution to two states impossible. "To date, there are nearly 700 illegal Jewish settlers in these territories and Israel flatly refused to stop the construction of new settlements, "reads the document.

The Deputy Sergio Gahona (UDI), President of the Chile-Palestine Interparliamentary Group asked: "Until when will the world continue to tolerate impbadively the continuation of a situation that should shake the conscience of all humanity and shame him? (…) It is not possible to continue the commemoration of these sad anniversaries [Nakba] without finally drawing a lesson from this very long tragedy, "he said.

The approval of the agreement coincides with the vote of a controversial law -national "in the parliament of Israel, which officially defines Israel as" nation-state of the Jewish people "and which has raised a series of criticisms of minorities as a racist norm, as it transforms Israeli Arabs into second-clbad citizens

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