Schoolboys Matancers without rivals in boating


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For the ninth consecutive opportunity the canoeists of this province they have unparalleled air after winning six gold, five silver and three bronze medals at the National School Games, to accumulate 133 points and leave behind the teams of Villa Clara and Cienfuegos

According to a note by Perlavisión, Les Matanzas also maintain a firm position with Villa Clara for the throne at the Youth Games.

The website of this television station Leonardo Valdez Lamar, canoe commissioner in Matanzas, emphasized that this result "is the result of nine years of self-sacrifice and sacrifice, impose and overcome the shortcomings and limitations that are the object of Cuban sports because of the blockade, But victory is the most important thing. "

Valdez Lamar pointed out that the discussion between Villa Clara and Matanzas in youth is very strong," at this moment Villa Clara wins, but this is definitively set this Thursday, we have also prepared to win the youth category aware that the rival to win is Villa Clara. "

This Thursday, in the waters of the Southern Pearl Bay, the winning canoeists in the youth category will be defined, where Villa Clara leads the actions in strong dispute with matanceros, habaneros, cienfuegueros and pineros

In the last national championship of canoe category, challenged last May in the rowing channel José Smith Comas, in Artemisa, Matanzas province led the game with 99 points, followed by Cienfuegos and Santiago de Cuba closing the podium. 19659004] In 2017, sailing was selected as the best sport of the year in Matanzas after reaching the top places of schoolchildren for seniors.

Two Matancers, Leydis Frank Balceiro and Leobaldo Pereira, were medalists of Silver at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia, and although Leydis rehearsed in Athens in 2004, Greece indicates the quality of the braceros in that territory.

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