Iberia appoints Víctor Moneo director of sales in Latin America


A historical leader of the airline

S. Saints | Bogota | July 20, 2018

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RELATED TOPICS: Angel Valdemoros, British Airways, Celia Muñoz, Guillermo González Vallina, Iberia, SEPLA, Víctor Moneo

Iberia, as stated in a note sent to REPORTUR.co ] appointed its historical director Víctor Moneo as the new director of sales for Latin America and institutional arrangements, in a restructuring of its commercial sector in three geographical areas: Spain, Latin America and a third group including United States, Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East (1965-19006) Víctor Moneo held various responsibilities in Iberia, the last for 9 years as sales manager in Spain for Iberia and British Airways , but he was also commercial director of Iberia's airport business and previously, responsible for agencies and tour operators. Moneo has a degree in DC. Business Administration, Master in Business Management by ESADE and also in Organization and Sales by ESIC.

Víctor Moneo will have as successor in his current position Guillermo González Vallina, who will lead the sales management Spain, and who joined Iberia in November 2015, as Senior Manager of the agencies for the Spanish market, to participate later in the launch and management of Mundiplan, a company owned by Iberia dedicated to travel management at Imserso

Guillermo González Vallina in 2016, as planned by The main tourist newspaper of Spain, preferente.com joined Iberia to launch the sales strategy, planning and support sector, whose objective is the transformation of the sales area, initiative of the Future Plan of Iberia Phase II

Celia Muñoz will direct the sales area in the United States, Asia, Europe and the Middle East of Iberia, which is the first company in Spain and the leader in the Between Europe and Latin America , while Angel Va ldemoros will be responsible for the central area of ​​Strategy and Sales Planning.

As revealed a few days ago REPORTUR.co after seven months of intense negotiations, Iberia and the SEPLA pilot union reached a preliminary agreement on the IX Collective Agreement which regulates working relations with about 1,300 pilots (Iberia signs the peace of work with its pilots until 2021)

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