Summary of Day 3 of the 2018 Central America and Caribbean Games – Other Sports – Sports


The metal table will be dominated by these countries in a fierce struggle

  Central America Games

Ana Segura swept the weights on the second day of the Central America and Caribbean Games.


] Press Games of Central America and the Caribbean

Lisandro Rengifo

July 21, 2018, 10:43 AM

Colombia has managed to finish the first day of the metal delivery of the Games of Central America and the Caribbean to the forefront of the medal table, but the constant will be that Cuba and Mexico are close and even best.

That is what is stipulated, because the struggle will not be easy between the three countries, especially when the Colombian delegation is at home, with support that supports the national athletes wherever they are.

Each day of competition does not seem easy, since none of the three delegations are in front of the metal table with a big difference, because we expect the fight to be closed.

Although four years ago in Veracruz (Mexico), Cuba was first with a difference of 8 gold metals over Mexico and Colombia was third at 45 'small hands' & # 039; # 39;, because this time the option of being close, even exceeding them, is intact

We came to make history and we will try

"We came make history and we will try, "said Ciro Solano, vice president of the Colombian Olympic Committee (COC). And in athletes the idea of ​​making the best historical participation is in everyone's head.

" We started well by delivering gold and the delegation revolved around the idea of ​​winning more ," said Rodrigo Contreras, the cyclist who gave the first metal gilded to Colombians, after his victory in the individual time trial, in Cali

Central American Games Central American Games, before the third day

  Isabella Arcila

Already, at noon this Saturday, Mexico was in charge of the medal table, surpbaded Colombia to have more money and was matched in 10 gold medals, but that will be normal during the day and probably the end of the games, the 3 August, will be the same.

Lisandro Rengifo
Special Envoy of El TIEMPO
On twitter: @lisandroabel

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