Organizations will symbolically embrace the layoffs of Telam


July 23, 2018, 00:04 Buenos Aires, July 23 (Prensa Latina) Organizations such as the Grandmothers and Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo-Fundadora Line will today hold a symbolic hug to the 357 licensees of the agency the public press agency Telam, which is still struggling to regain its positions.

Nearly a month after receiving, by telegram some and others compensation notification, the unemployed of the iconic agency give the fight in all areas to be reinstated and continue with the Peaceful takeover of the headquarters of Belgrano Avenue, where they stay day and night.

Today, around 4:00 pm local time, several human rights organizations will come to the place to endorse them. their support in a fight that they defend with force because, they say, there is no one left in Telam and everyone has an active role in this press.

In a statement, the organizers of this embrace denounce the dismissals This led to the dismantling of entire sections and the emptying of correspondence.

This "never commits the future of the national news agency, leaving public information in the hands of private monopolies that today concentrate the greatest media power known to the world." Argentina, "says the text published on the Internet.

In the building taken from Belgrano Avenue will accompany Telam workers from other organizations such as the relatives of disappeared and detained for political reasons, the historical and social memory, the Center for Legal and Social Studies and the Ecumenical Movement for Human Rights, to name only a few

In announcing the dismissals, the management of this media said on June 26 that "after a thorough evaluation in every area, it was decided to Employees who do not respond to the profile sought for a public news agency that needs to move to an Ejor and effective operation. "

Taken by a reporter at a conference of press last week, the president, Mauricio Macri, replied that it hurts every time that an Argentine is unemployed.

But at the same time I want to tell you that from the first day we have proposed to modernize the state and put it at the service of the Argentineans.

"From this place, I asked each officer to do his job as it should. What the Telam authorities have decided is that there is an overpopulation of people that has taken place in the last four years and the last months that have nothing to do with a efficient service to the Argentineans, "he said.

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