Radio Havana Cuba | Brics meets at the highest level this week in South Africa


Pretoria, July 23 (RHC) South Africa is ready for this week's celebration in Johannesburg of the X Summit of Brics, the group of five major emerging economies of the world that together hold 17% of world trade [19659002] By baduming the rotating presidency of this group composed of Brazil, India, Russia, China and South Africa, the Pretoria Government promotes a series of initiatives. to respond to national priorities and interests. According to Prensa Latina, the summit of these five nations will be held from 25 to 27 September under the slogan Brics in Africa: Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in Africa. The fourth industrial revolution.

South African officials announced the priorities of this meeting, which they see as a milestone for cooperation and cooperation. among the Brics 10 years after the beginning of their cooperation at the highest level.

According to the South African ambbadador to this group, Anil Sookal, at the center of the deliberations of this summit will also be the fourth industrial revolution and "how our way of living and working changes", peacekeeping and the creation of a women's forum of these nations.

This summit will not be a simple speech and will be a turning point in the sector "The specific development of the Brics economies," said the diplomat, for whom the impressive rate of achievement of their objectives augurs well for regional economies.

These diplomat approaches presented in a recent workshop in Pretoria are endorsed by the remaining members of the Brics, who at their high-level meeting will also discuss the issue of trade imbalance and define the goals to be achieved.

The meeting will begin this Wednesday at the level of officials, will continue Thursday with a meeting of its foreign ministers and will end Friday with a meeting of heads of state and government.

This summit was preceded by numerous meetings of various sectors in which members of the Brics discussed ways to make cooperation more effective for the benefit of their peoples.

Busi Mabuza, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa, He baderted that the Brics Summit takes on great significance at a time when this state of Southern Africa has set a goal of reaching 100 billion dollars in investments over a five year period.

In this regard, experts from this South African capital point out that the Department of Commerce and Industry is adopting a series of measures that facilitate investment and trade.

Similarly, the government agency offers incentives and services of interest in the country's economic development zones, which accumulate a lot of experience in the mining sector and which is the main producer of platinum and the sixth largest producer of gold in the world.

Article published in local media, Mabuza said that unlike most developing countries, the Brics are heading in a different direction in terms of trade and investment and stressed that product exchanges between these countries doubled in 2010 until 2017. Among the actions that allowed this progress, the specialist cited the creation of the Bricks Development Bank, which increased the group's efficiency in terms of cooperation. and integration between member countries and with the rest of the world.

The director felt that for South Africa the celebration of the X Brick Summit is not only a national pride, but it has fostered the relationship between and various institutions of the group to deepen the mechanisms cooperation and integration.

Over the weekend, businessmen from these five countries exchanged impressions aimed at countering the bottleneck of intra-group trade and identifying investment projects. , According to the South African Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies,

badyzed the Brics' health bearers at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli convention center in the city of Durban, capital of KwaZulu Natal province. tuberculosis, ensure universal health coverage, control non-communicable diseases and enforce international regulations stipulated by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005.

In addition to heads of state and government from Brazil, India and China, Russia and South Africa, at this X Summit are invited other dignitaries from African countries.

(Prensa Latina)

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