Colombian Navy rescues more than a dozen Cubans in the Caribbean Sea


The Colombian Navy rescued 21 "irregular" immigrants on the shores of the San Andrés Archipelago, more than 700 kilometers from the Atlantic coast of that country, according to a statement issued by the Army of this country. migrants have Cuban nationality, while eight others are Ecuadorian.

"Irregular migrants were transported by two Colombian nationals aboard a motorboat named" Black Moon "which was pbading through the southern sector of the island of San Andrés", explain the authorities.

According to the statement, the migrants received medical attention when they reached the mainland through the military health facility.

The migrants were placed at the disposal of Migración Colombia, while the alleged traffickers were delivered the Attorney General of that country and the boat in which they were transported were confiscated.

Migrants were made available to Migración Colombia, while alleged traffickers were handed over to the Attorney General of that country

of the San Andrés train station rescued 38 irregular migrants during the year. year and captured five people The Colombian coast is part of the journey undertaken by thousands of Cubans, Haitians and Africans seeking each year to reach the southern border of the United States. Although the policy of dry feet / wet feet was repealed by former President Barack Obama, many Cubans continue to arrive on US territory in the hope of getting the US. ;political aylum.

Two weeks ago, 62 migrants from Bangladesh, Brazil, Cuba, Eritrea and India were thrown into the waters of the Colombian Caribbean by traffickers who were carrying them on a boat in America Central. A Cuban died in the dangerous pbadage, the authorities said.


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