On Dominican soil, they commemorate the 235th anniversary of the birth of Father Simon Bolivar – Correo del Orinoco


With an act of floral offering in front of the equestrian statue on the square that his man wears in Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic, 235 years of the father's birth and forerunner of independence on the American continent, Venezuela is commemorated Simón Bolívar illustrious and liberator of 5 nations

To pay tribute to such an important date, the ambbadador of Venezuela in the Caribbean island, Alí ​​Uzcátegui Duque, as well as the diplomatic staff, defense attaché, as well as personalities of the Diplomatic Corps accredited in the Dominican Republic, Social Organizations and Political Movements in Solidarity with Venezuela, participated in the event, which was held on Plaza Simón Bolívar, in the Gazcue sector of the capital.

The event had the words of honor in charge of Colonel Bruno Maitussi, a member of the Defense Attaché of the Diplomatic Mission, as well as the Deputy Minister of Education and President of Movimie nto "Fuerza Boschista", Luis de Leon, in the name of Dominican solidarity with Venezuela.

The date coincides with the 195th anniversary of the naval battle of Lake Maracaibo, a primitive war for the consolidation of our country's independence. . This date is officially considered as the Bolivarian National Marine Day.

Rescuing Bolivarian Ideology

Cataloged by many as the "greatest hero of the nineteenth century," Simón Bolívar not only consolidated freedom for the Venezuelan people , but tried to progress in the sovereign and libertarian way towards other peoples of the continent and positively influenced, with the act in other territories of the region.

Under his ideology, the development was planned of Greater Colombia, politico-strategic project of unitary consolidation of the territories that nowadays frame Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Although the project did not materialize in time, his libertarian ideas helped to find ways to emancipate the Spanish yoke of other peoples who saw in their ideas, a way to go from there. before and realize their liberation

Bolívar main reference in politico-social ideas in Venezuela and the nation bears in his name, his presence. With the arrival of the Bolivarian Revolution in 1999, Commander Hugo Chávez placed Bolivar in its proper place in Venezuelan reality and brought back its advanced ideas on the state, the homeland, the nation and the real concept of Sovereignty and Liberty

T / Chancellery
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