Collect large agricultural plans designed by Fidel and Milián


Two major engagements have Villa Clara agriculture ahead, said Gustavo Rodríguez Rollero, sector minister, in dialogue with the press at the end of the commemorative act for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the provincial delegation of agriculture of the time Las Villas.

"The first is to recover all the strategic plans for agricultural development that were drawn from this same place by Fidel and which were put into practice by Arnaldo Milián, then Party Secretary at Las Villas. Vitrina, Macún, El Yabú, the banana company of Quemado de Güines and others, of course, bringing them in and adapting them to the current economic conditions and respecting the legislation in force.This is very important [19659003] Julio Lima Corzo, first secretary of the CCP in Villa Clara, intervenes in the 50th anniversary of the delegation of agriculture in the former province of Las Villas. “/>

Julio Ramiro Lima Corzo, First Secretary Party in Villa Clara, called to study the history of these 50 years of constitution of the delegation in the former province of Las Villas (Photo: Narciso Fernández Ramírez)

"The second challenge, perhaps the more gra nd, is to guarantee 30 pounds per capita per consumer and per month. Now they do not surpbad the 12 or 13 pounds, counting on the support that the villaclareños receive of the other provinces; but it must be a priority objective to put every month these 30 pounds of meat and vegetables in the network of agricultural markets. "

In the solemn commemorative moment for the half-century of formation of the delegation Julio Lima Corzo, member of the Party Central Committee and first party secretary; Héctor engineer Luis Torna Martínez, provincial delegate, as well as of other guests and outstanding workers of the important productive sector.

The act served as a recount of a story that dates back to 1968, because Fidel often came in his innumerable journeys. Old Province of Las Villas and from this same place strategic decisions were made for the country.

  Law for the 50th Anniversary of the Delegation of Agriculture in l. Old Province of Las Villas
(Photo: Narciso Fernández Ramírez

But the celebration was also a reason to recognize outstanding comrades throughout these five decades, some former provincial delegates, as 9, current Minister Rodríguez Rollero, as well as to distinguish collectives with outstanding performance in their work.

] The owner of agriculture, Rodríguez Rollero, recalled the climatic adversities that hit the country, but insists that there is no time for regrets, but to work hard and with enthusiasm.

In the particular case of Villa Clara: "Villa Clara has always faced difficulties of all kinds, but she has always known the work, effort and self-sacrifice of their farmers, their cooperatives and their workers. to do a proper sowing strategy to recover the losses.In the meantime, we will maintain the help of other territories. "

  Recognition of Jorge Luis Tartabull, leader of urban agriculture in Villa Clara [19659004JorgeLuisTartabullreceivestherecognitionofhiscolleaguesforthenewresponsibilitiesbadignedtothefrontoftheProvincialsectorofComunales(Photo:NarcisoFernándezRamírez)</figcaption></figure>
<p>  Summing up for the half-century, the first secretary of the Party to Villa Clara, Julio Ramiro Lima Corzo, affirmed: "Today, when we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Delegation of Agriculture, we can not not stop thinking about Fidel and Arnaldo Milián Castro, because the history of this place has a lot to do with the thought and the work that they accomplished during the first decades of the Revolution. </p>
<p>  Here all the development plans of the ancient province of Las Villas were discussed and from here they were taken in de facto ways. Fidel has called us to winners villaclareños difficulties and obstacles, and no matter what difficulties and obstacles we will always overcome, "said Lima Corzo. </p>
<p>  The half-century activities of the Agriculture delegation helped reshape Jorge Luis Tartabull, who for many years directed the program of urban and suburban agriculture in Villa Clara, who headed the provincial branch of Comunales. </p>
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