A man strikes two women at a stop in Havana Cubanet


MIAMI, United States. While trying to take a taxi in Havana, a man enters a discussion with two women and ends up hitting them. In a video, which lasted a little less than a minute and was shared by hundreds of users on social networks, it shows the attacker who ends up getting his deserved by the others present in the "queue".

The Cuban opponent "El Sexto" shared the video on his Instagram account with the following message: "When trying to take urban transport, he forgets to consider women and strikes them as s" did not leave one, so he has his due. "

The scene is fast and disconcerting: one of the women touches the man in the back in a gesture of complaint while getting on the bus and the reaction of the subject is a terrible blow for the woman. The brutality of the act sparked outrage and protests among people who were at a standstill at the time.

At the time another woman came out to defend the one who had been badaulted and hit her with an umbrella that caused for a few seconds an exchange. beating between the man and the two women until another man sort for the defense of women and persecution began amid the hubbub and cries of the witnesses.

Social networks have burst into indignation at images, and some ask that man be identified and prosecuted for violence.

The video, on the other hand, presents the least friendly face of Cuba and summarizes the reality that is lived on several levels: a crisis that is not only the transport, but also the values ​​and the humanity in general terms.

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