Moisés Hassan, a guerrilla fighter opposed to the Ortega government


Virginia Negro

Son of Another Diaspora: The Palestinian, Moisés Hbadan, is a protagonist of the revolutionary history of Nicaragua. Doctor in Physics from the University of North Carolina, he returned to Managua as a professor at UNAN, he joined the Sandinista Front (FSLN) and was in the fight against Somocismo.

Upon the fall of the dictator he was a member of the board of directors, minister of construction and then vice minister of the Interior.

"It was at that time that I resigned my post and my activism to the Sandinista Front .After a few months, at the insistence of Ortega , I accepted the post of mayor of Managua: I spent two years and I retired.I felt a lot of bitterness from the beginning: years ago of struggle have disappeared under the influence of obscure personal interests and widespread corruption.
Revolution was like a love with which you dreamed for a long time, and once that they live together under the same roof, you realize that it was not the person you imagined, "he admits during the interview.

In February 1990, Moisés was Presidential candidate against Ortega and Chamorro, who won these elections. "Moisés knows Managua very well, as well as the historically Sandinista and rebellious territories of Masaya, who are now the beating heart of the revolt against what he calls "the regime": "to separate formal things, from the point of view of practice, the Sandinista Front slowly disappeared as a real party between 1990 and 1995 becoming, of course, without giving up the name, in the gang Daniel Ortega. When I write or speak, I try to tell the difference very clearly, "he says.

"During the final insurgency against Somoza, I participated as one of the leaders of the Interior Front who took the eastern half of Managua, and then retired to Masaya and continued to conquer the departments of Carazo, Rivas and Grenada The Pacific remained in the hands of the Sandinista Front.
From the first moments I felt that the thing was not going well and that the ideals that we were supposed to realize were threatened by a lot of opportunism … I started seeing exploits from the beginning, I saw people who love birds The rapine fell on the houses left behind by Somocismo, taking hold of residences and haciendas.Vices in complete collision with what should be a revolution for the well-being of the population. "

The former mayor of the capital tells us a another disturbing phenomenon: that of the Tomatierras, which was at the beginning an expr ession of the agrarian reform. The land was taken from landowners and distributed to groups of farmers organized into cooperatives.

"Now the phenomenon continues, but in a completely chaotic manner.With the Tomatierras, the government kills two birds with one stone.The first bird: the owners who s'. away from the government are punished.The second bird is to have a happy group: the government makes it easy for you to take the land. "

This is the scenario in the interior of the country, while, during the years of the Cold War, on the international stage Nicaragua became a pawn of the Soviet Union: "So, we suddenly started sending weapons to different guerrilla sites in Central and South America, such as the M19 in Colombia … There were national unrest and insecurity in Washington and, with Carter in the lead, then with Reagan, the 39 conciliatory attitude towards us are finished.

We were in the orbit the Soviet Union, with Cuba, so in the line of sight of the United States, and inwardly there were many poor peasants, offended and dissatisfied.

The United States sees it as a potential army: they organize, finance, arm and train. The counter-revolution took place, which effectively, once completed, militarily defeated the Sandinista Front, forcing an Ortega, then abandoned by Moscow, to conduct the elections, "says Moisés.

The eternal Nietzschean return seems to find its foundation in the country of Central America. Now, the Organization of American States OAS calls for early elections to Ortega himself, who stubbornly refuses. The OAS pbaded a resolution in which it asks the government of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega to accept the proposal made by the Catholic Church to advance until March 2019 the elections scheduled for 2021.

In the text, the OAS reiterates its "strong condemnation and grave concern" for acts of violence perpetrated by police and paramilitaries in Nicaragua and demands "dismantling vigilance groups ", which act with the consent of the executive.

Also the church, which in recent years had an inconstant and contradictory role vis-à-vis the Ortega government, in recent months has denounced the brutal repression that led to nearly 400 deaths.

When I ask Moisés Hbadan what was the role of the Church during these years, he answers me by pointing out the internal contradictions "while Miguel Obando directed it, and between 1979 and 2002, Before rejection Between 1995 and 2002 the rejected persisted, correctly centered on the person of Ortega In 2002, Ortega, by blackmail, submitted Obando and turned him into one of his servants. 19659003] As Obando and one of his protégés, a certain Roberto Rivas, were involved in a number of crimes.With the evidence in hand, Ortega had Rivas on the edge of the prison, and Obando surrendered. 19659003] Between 2002 and 2007, Obando remained the most powerful man in the Church and kept him in the service of Ortega; When his power began to dwindle, the l? Church's attitude towards Ortega gradually changed.Most likely achieved independence around 2012.

Since this year his questions to the regime have become more open and harsh to reach the level caused by the events that have occurred since April 18 ". The famous April 18th. Moses gives us his reading of the protests that change the face of his country.

"In 2006, Daniel Ortega seized absolute power.The reform of social insurance, looted by the regime, and a fire caused by an irresponsible extractive desire, were the triggers of the anger accumulated during eleven years
A few weeks before April 19, a fire broke out in a forest reserve called Indio Maíz.There is little doubt that those who caused it, accidentally, are people linked to the government who, in violation of the law, exploit the protected resources that are there, starting with the wood.
Seeking to hide the causes and the people involved, the government acted with great negligence in the fight to extinguish the fire.He even rejected the support that Costa Rican firefighters brought very close to the place.The place burned for several weeks until that the heavy rains that occurred happily produced, have extinguished it. But the pillage and non-transparent behavior of the government, coupled with a certain environmental awareness, especially among young people, has aroused the indignation of many consciences. "

It was for everything to explode." The government's reaction to the first demonstrations was to use force and kill with weapons of war, people who did not have the means to to defend oneself but with stones and rustic gas appliances "continues Moisés, the street and that can disappear.

What happens in Nicaragua, it is a genocide, a number of crimes against They cling to power trying to find a better way out.I am convinced that they know that they have to leave, but they want an exit with the most Big Profits Look for something like what you found in 1990, like the Gatopardo, change everything to change nothing, it's one thing to leave the presidency, another is to leave power. "



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