Bolivian football will implement club licensing regulations


July 29, 2018, 09:38 La Paz, July 29 (Prensa Latina) The Bolivian Football Federation (FBF) will implement, as of 2019, the licensing regulations for clubs, as required by The global institution of this Deporte (FIFA) and the South American Confederation (Conmebol), reflect the local media today

The president of the FBF, César Salinas, told the press that the entities that do not meet the criteria required by the Regulation will not be able to participate. national and international championships, in addition to being disaffiliated.

clarified that clubs must fully comply with the five licensing requirements (sporting, infrastructural, financial, administrative and legal) to compete under the protection of the FBF and in tournaments organized by FIFA and Conmebol.

Salinas said that he is expected to act with transparency, legality and in strict compliance with the rules issued by the higher organs of the

He explained that among the five criteria of strict compliance, it will be mandatory, in terms of sports, that the clubs have minor divisions and women's football, while in terms of infrastructure, they will have the obligation to have

In addition, the executive said that, financially, clubs should generate revenue to support themselves.

For his part, the director of club licensing of the FBF, Omar Dorado, stressed that, with this measure, we seek to strengthen the clubs institutionally and economically, improve the quality of their players, have financial transparency and an honest and correct administration.

He argued that these requirements also seek to respect the performance of the contract of employment with athletes, technicians, physicians and human resources on the basis of legality.

mem / amm

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