Recognize outstanding entities in the Resuscitation of the Municipality of Florida Camagüey (+ Photos)


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Florida, Camagüey, Cuba, National Rebellion Day, July 26, Provincial Act

Florida, Camagüey, July 29.- A large group of businesses and Camagüeyans organizations, which has supported the achievement of more than 350 social works in the Florida municipality, headquarters celebrations in the province for July 26, Day of the National Rebellion, was recognized today in the act by the birthday.

Among the diversified entities were the provincial and municipal directorate of education, pharmacy and optics, culture, sports and basic electrical organization; as well as Transport, ETECSA, Banco Popular de Ahorro, Banco de Credito and Comercio, Acueducto, Servicios, Justicia, and the Division of Foreign Currency Stores, Cimex Branch, Hotel Florida and the Delegation of the Ministry of Tourism. 19659009] From the hands of Runny Díaz, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in Florida, and Luis Sixto Mora, Vice President of the Provincial Administration, they also received recognition diplomas for the management of the United States. Acopio, his counterpart of the City Historian's Office, the Society for Engineering Projects and Architecture Number 11 (EPIA 11), the Camaguey Water Resources Delegation, Provincial Education Assurance Company, Provincial ATM, Popular Industry Power Materials, Dural Enterprise, Distributor of Parts, Parts and Equipment (DIVEP) and Local Industries of People Power.

The food companies Food, Dairy, Camagüey, Cárnica and PESCACAM

add to this long list At the municipal level, the efforts of the groups of construction company and badembly number 1 and 2 Company of maintenance and repair of hydraulic works, the Cooperative Credits and Services Fortalecida "17 de Mayo" and its similar Vitalio Acuña, among others, which received the entertainment of the member of the Provincial Bureau of the PCC, Luis Olazábal, and Beatriz Rodríguez, president of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power in Florida;

In the provincial law for the 65th anniversary of the badault of the Moncada barracks and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, the selection that will represent Camagüey in the 58th national series of baseball, received from the hands of the highest political and administrative leadership in the province, the banner that will defend itself in the contest. Also, pitcher Yosimar Cousin has read the athletes' engagement with the local fans, who are eagerly awaiting the team's standings at the second leg of the championship. (Arailaisy Rosabal Garcia / Radio Cadena Agramonte) (Photos: Fb by Juan Mendoza and Bárbara Suárez)

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