They give a conference against tuberculosis


They give a conference against tuberculosis

TB. Dr. Alejandro Pérez Machuca entrusted the conference to the student community: "It's time to act, stop TB."

Miguel Alemán, Tam.- As part of the commemoration of World Tuberculosis Day, high school students received an interesting lecture entitled "It's time to act, Stop TB".

The community of students of the baccalaureate level paid particular attention to the conference of Dr. Alejandro Pérez Machuca, who gave them this lecture.

In general, the work done by all sector staff has been recognized The health keep the population protected from diseases.

At the Alejandro Pérez Machuca conference, the young students were informed of the preventive measures applied to prevent tuberculosis.

Education authorities and the sector The health They emphasized their interest in keeping the student community well informed on the subject.

Similarly, the expert's report was also thanked for explaining in detail the symptoms, treatments and forms of prevention of this disease.

It should be noted that this type of conference is organized with the aim of promoting the health among all the social groups, but especially among the students, since they retransmit this knowledge at home.

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