A biologist survives a brutal crocodile attack recounts it with humor!


The marine biologist of Latin American origin enumerated in his social networks the attack suffered by a crocodile in April, while she filmed sharks for the program of " Shark Week "of Discovery Channel.

Mellisa was in the archipelago Jardines de la Reina, in Cuba when he was attacked by the ferocious crocodile .

Publication and Agitation in 19459005 Although he posted on Twitter in April, this week he did echo internationally through a series of media publications on his incredible story.

According to his account, he was looking for a legendary hammerhead shark who lives in the waters of the Cuban archipelago, when he encountered the three-meter crocodile.

He survived to say it with humor, but says that he escaped thanks to his intelligence and calmness. the situation terrib, because it was nothing less than the brutal attack, and not a shark as expected.

This was reported in April, according to the media now Jezebel reproduced by the international media:

The story.

"I work with big predators, I give them my space, I respect them, and I always keep in mind that they have the ability to me As someone who studies the behavior of predators, I am happy to have known what to do last night when a crocodile bit me at the knee and I dragged on. "

" What I did maybe I saved my leg : I kept my cool. I tried not to move it so that it would not close [las mandíbulas] with more force . "

" Crocodiles have an impressive bite force . easily break the bone or remove my leg.The irony is this: I was bitten by a crocodile during 'Shark Week' (Shark Week , the name of his program). "

Marquez came out of the u and quickly received the attention of a doctor

In his leg he had the teeth of the crocodile that left two deep holes and the other side was marked all the jaw.

He received antibiotics and disinfected the bite and said the remedies were "more painful than the bite". She then said that she told the story to friends, who proposed to kill him, but she said: " What? No, do not kill the crocodile! " because he knows that's what predators are, it's his nature. "You know, it's not the fault of the animal, these things happen sometimes."

interested in mysterious and misunderstood predators, and appreciates that she "understood the misunderstood" to save herself.

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