A "full repair" of Etecsa affects the messaging and browsing services on the Internet


A new interruption in messaging and navigation services Nauta left without communication this Friday by email and without access to the web to thousands of users across the country. The decision is the second in less than three weeks that affects several official digital sites, such as Granma the national Nauta e-mail and WIFI Internet connection zones, according to 14ymedio . 19659002] "Comprehensive repair is being made throughout the cell phone for network enhancement," said an official Etecsa to this newspaper. "Many customers have called because they have problems and we ask them not to try to enter the WIFI network to avoid having the session open and continue to consume the scale without to be really connected. " [19659002Selonleresponsable"lestravauxderéparationontcommencécevendredimatinetdevraientdurerjusqu'àlundisoir"bienquelaseulecompagniedetéléphonedupaysn'aitpasémisd'avertissementpouralertersesclientsous'excuserL'interruptiondesservicesadéclenchéunbarragedecritiquesdumonopoled'ÉtatetaégalementgénéréuncertainespoirquelesréparationssontliéesauxpréparatifspourouvrirleserviceInternetàpartirducellulaire

"It did work in all cell phone for & # 39 improvement of the network ", explained to this newspaper a manager or Etecsa

Cuba is one of the most backward countries of the hemisphere in terms of Internet connectivity and only 4.5 million citizens, about 40% of the population, can access the network, according to official data. interviewed by independent experts

On July 3, another decision of Etecsa left the country without the Nauta service and technological problems also affected the official dailies Granma, Trabajadores and [19659005] Juventud Rebelde.

hosted on national servers

At that time, the company did not clarify the type of problems it faced, but technological failures in the state monopoly are common, although they rarely affect the newspapers Granma Official spokesman for the Communist Party

A week earlier, a fire in a building of Etecsa caused a breakdown of mobile phone service in the provinces of the center of the country and Pinar del Río. More than one and a half million cell lines remained unserviced after the Santa Clara incident.


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