A strong, sudden storm causes flooding in Havana


A sudden storm with heavy rain and electric shocks was recorded in the afternoon of this Wednesday in a part of Havana, where floods have also been reported, reported the portal Cubadebate.

the White House station collected 57 millimeters accumulated in less than three hours. Images published on social networks show central locations such as the Plaza de la Catedral, in Old Havana, fully covered with water.

The Master of Science Miguel Ángel Hernández of the Forecast Center of the Institute of Meteorology of Cuba explains: During the summer season in Cuba, abundant rains are frequent, with large accumulations of rain in a few hours. "

Electric shocks are also a normal summer event, especially during the months of June, July and August," said Hernández. "In September, they begin to be minors," he said. [19659003] The specialist indicated that the event is related to the energy of the atmosphere, due to the excessive concentration of negative and positive electrical charges in the cloud.

An event Similar happened Tuesday in the central city of Sancti Spíritus where a violent local storm that lasted only 20 minutes caused strong gusts of wind and hail. 19659007] [ad_2]
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