A white lady and her family sleep in a park in Cardenas


The lady in white Hortensia Alfonso Vega her mother and aunt were expelled a few days ago from the house they rented to Cárdenas ( ] Matanzas ) since then, they sleep in Park Colón, in this municipality

The expulsion would have been a consequence of the pressure exerted by the State Security on the owner of the house to throw. According to recent statements made to Martí Noticias the lady in white pointed out that it was the fourth time that something similar had happened to her, merely as a punishment for her political activism.

Currently, the opposition meets property in the street with his mother and aunt, both octogenarians, and do not see how he will be able to resolve their situation.

Vega Alfonso explained to Diario de Cuba that he handed a letter to the municipal authority government explaining how the State Security Department prompted the owner to evict them , without having received an answer for the moment.

The situation only got worse, since they were also besieged on the street. At 6 am they slept in front of the church door next to the park and they were arrested and taken away in a van to a police unit where they were threatened and they said they could not be in the street. However, after a few hours of arrest, they returned to the park

" The fact that I am a Lady in White does not imply that I am a terrorist I do not believe I am a terrorist. I have nothing to do with that.What I ask is freedom and change in my country, "he said Diario de Cuba

The leaders of the Church helped them with their mother's bath and gave them water.On the past weekend the church remained closed and this complicated the situation.

The Lady in White explained that his next step was to send a letter to the bishop of Matanzas, Monsignor Manuel Hilario de Céspedes in order to obtain support from you.

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