Act that increases votes for a legislator to lose his nomination – Printed Edition


Since yesterday, the law that increases the votes to withdraw a legislator is in force. 30 are required for the Senate and 53 for Members. President Horacio Cartes let the law promulgate ficta, that is, he did not sign the document. Last December, when Senator Óscar González Daher (ANR, Cardist) was deported, he only needed more than half plus one, but was sacked by 30 votes.

Law 6039, which regulates Article 201 of the Constitution "On the loss of the investiture", was published yesterday in the Official Gazette ( without the card Cards.

Legislation already had a fictitious sanction in Parliament on June 25, with the partial veto of the same Cards accepted by the Legislative. In his objection, the president removed the requirement of a previous judicial decision to deprive a legislator of his nomination, a requirement that made it even more difficult to sanction with revocation.

But the expulsion of a congressman will continue to cost more with this autoblindaje law. "The Constitution of Article 201 does not establish a qualified majority for the loss of the investiture, so that this sentence could be applied with fewer votes than two-thirds.For example, in the Senate, a legislator could be revoked with 12 votes on a quorum of 23.

L & # 39; last year 's expulsion of Senator González Daher (ANR – cartista), currently accused, motivated the initiative of the politicians of the Congress to comply with a regulation of article 201 of the Constitution, establishing a greater number of votes (two-thirds: 30 for senators and 53 for deputies) for the loss of the investiture.

González Daher was removed from the Senate by his own colleagues in the Upper House for "abuse of influence", one of the causes provided for in Article 201 of the Magna Carta supra

The scandal of the audios disclosed, and broadcast by ABC Cardinal 730 AM, revealed how Gonzalez Daher, as the president of the prosecution judges, manipulated court proceedings to favor politicians, parents and the friends. It has been verified what has always been denounced that prosecutors and judges have lent themselves to the interests of politicians, such as González Daher, Jorge Oviedo Matto (both accused) and others to twist the justice system. Oviedo Matto (Unace) resigned not to be humiliated, as he said because he was going to suffer the same fate as his colleague. Thanks to the list of sheets, González Daher and Oviedo Matto were re-elected as senators and since June 30, they had privileges.

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