Addressing Strategies to Boost Tourism in Nicaragua


July 24, 2018, 13:29 Managua, July 24 (Prensa Latina) Tourism workers in Nicaragua are tackling strategies to stimulate growth in the sector, affected by the socio-economic crisis in the country. country more than three years ago. month

According to the co-director of the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (Intur), Anasha Campbell, the goal is to attract more visitors, "evaluate strategies, do new things for promote the influx of tourists and energize the economy. ] Despite serious repercussions from the internal crisis, Campbell ensured that the activity is standardized, indicating greater public participation in tourism events, thanks to the efforts of the public and private sectors.

Intur announced the presentation of an advertising campaign to empower Nicaragua as a safe, stable country and with potential in tourism, taking into account the progressive restoration of peace and security. Security in the N.

According to the official, the sector has recorded losses of the order of $ 200 million as a result of putschist terrorism, since the beginning of the crisis on April 18.

Tourism projected revenues of 924 million According to estimates by the Central Bank, this year, it has forecast a reactivation of various sectors in July and August, which could lead to a rebound in the economy.

However, the financial institution maintains projection of a growth in gross domestic product growth of 4.5 to 1%

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