Alain Daniel sweeps the alternative music festival of Cienfuegos


Cuban singer Alain Daniel illuminated the scene of the Plaza de la Juventud in Cienfuegos, which hosts the fifth edition of the Alternative Music Festival of Ciudad del Mar.

Instagram / Alain Daniel

00:00 la night and kept the audience Cienfuegos singing and dancing for nearly two hours. Many fans ran after the singer at the end of the concert, looking for the long-awaited selfie

Instagram / Alain Daniel
Instagram / Alain Daniel

The concert of Alain Daniel was the # 39, one of the busiest. the more than 20 concerts that the festival has hosted, so much awaited by the Cienfuegos every year. The actor also said in his social networks to be "very grateful for all the love."

Instagram / Alain Daniel

Songs Like A Little Song in the Air, The Letter and I Cry for You were some of the most sung songs of the night, in which the singer created his most recent song Dale conga.

Alain Daniel is in charge of work this year. The artist has just released a video and his new album Bolero is about to be released. The video clip of the song of the same name will soon start shooting in Cuba and will be in charge of director Joseph Ross. Its facet of play has not remained either, as late August the TV movie Delirios y Monogamias, of Elena Palacios, will be on air, in which she participates and in these moments she registers the police again Tras la Huella. [19659009LeFestivaldeCiudaddelMaradébutéle5juilletparunconcertdugroupeKarambaetdesfrèresDavidetErnestoBlancoetsetermineradimancheparuneprésentationcollectivedeHaydéeMilanésKarambaetYulyetHabanaC

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