American, JetBlue and Southwest compete for the road to Cuba left by Delta


JetBlue Southwest and American Airlines make an offer to take the route to Cuba that Delta AirLines Inc. will abandon in September. [19659002] Last May, Delta announced that it will conclude on September 1 of this year its Saturday route to Havana, coming from the John F. Kennedy International Airport ( New York). 19659002] This is in addition to a previous announcement made by the company in December 2017, which announced a drastic reduction in flights to Cuba from the aforementioned New York Airport.

Among the reasons Delta mentioned the increased restrictions on travel to the island put into practice by the Donald Trump government, which resulted in a significant decrease in demand for trips to Cuba outside the South Florida area

Before the abandonment, three airlines lines submitted their proposals to fill the place left. American Airlines is offering an additional weekly flight Miami-La Habana (Saturday) with 160-seat Boeing 737-800s, which will begin to operate by December 22 at the latest.

JetBlue Airways Corp. says he wants the road to make an extra weekly flight on Saturdays covering the roads Fort Lauderdale-Havana with a 162-seat Airbus A320, as of November 10.

Finally, Southwest Airlines Co. proposed an additional weekly flight on Saturday Tampa-La Habana using a 175-seat Boeing 737.

The US Department of Transportation stated that it will grant the road to the airline

It also pointed out that it will examine the effects of applicants' service proposals in the competitive environment general, including effects on the structure. Market Conditions and Competition on the US-Cuban Market

Delta, for its part, continues to operate daily flights between Atlanta-Havana, and twice a day between Miami-Havana.

American, JetBlue, Southwest and United Airlines Inc. also operate other flights between the United States and Cuba.

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