An association committed to art and its time


The National Library of Cuba hosted the meeting of the Hermanos Saiz Association

Havana, Cuba. – On the need to bring their art to the people every day, and to receive more support from institutions and media, the youth of the Association Hermanos Saíz at the National Library José Martí, in Havana

As part of the process leading up to its Third Congress, the Provincial Assembly of the organization, in Havana, addressed issues such as the following: the importance of taking into account social research and thwarting the influence of capitalist culture with high quality artistic proposals.

Think collectively better functioning called the artistic avant-garde of the Cuban capital, convinced that culture must be, increasingly, a strategic axis of the Cuban State

finalizing the debate, the Minister of Culture, Abel Prieto, commented on the interventions and felt the relevance for the Congress of the Association Hermanos Saíz which will ugar in October

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