Android "remains the king" of mobile operating systems


San Francisco, United States

Google Android reigns among the operating systems for touch screen mobile devices: tablets, watches and especially phones.

The operating system is what makes the device work, as Windows for Microsoft in personal computers.

According to Gartner, the Android system, created in 2007, is the clear predominant in the world of mobile telephony, with an order market segment of 85.9% (data for 2017), compared to around 14% for iOS, the Apple operating system for iPhone and iPad and 0.1% for "other mobile operating systems".

2017 have been sold worldwide more than 1,300 million mobile phones with Android, compared with about 215 million with iOS and 1.5 million with other systems.

Android is a system open source (open source) – unlike iOS, totally controlled by Apple, which means that different manufacturers can integrate it into their devices without having to pay for a Licence.

"Everyone, including Android competitors, can choose to download, install, modify, and distribute their" source code. "Freeway" for "develop apps, mobile devices, and even other systems. "Exploitation," says the Android site.

Specifically, unlike iOS, which only equips Apple devices, Android is integrated into the devices of various manufacturers, especially the South Korean Samsung leader in mobile phone sales smart around the world.

However, to avoid too much disparity and to ensure that different apps are compatible with different models of Android devices, Google has signed compatibility agreements ("Google Compatibility Agreements") with actors external (manufacturers, application developers) ications …).

Android says that no manufacturer is required to install default Google apps (Chrome, Maps, Gmail, etc.). If the manufacturer or the mobile operator decides to preinstall them on their devices, something usual given the popularity of these applications, can also preinstall other competing applications.

For example, a Samsung smartphone may have pre-installed Google Search and another Android engine, explains: "If manufacturers want to pre-install Google apps, they have to install the set called" Google Mobile Services "GMS)", because the applications were designed to work together ", which allows the user, for example, to save a photo received in his Gmail address in (Google) Photos or to open an attachment sent by email in "Drive", the online storage system of Google.

GMS is licensed and contains many applications: Search, Chrome, Play Store, Play Music, Play Movies, Google, Google Maps, Gmail, Hangouts (Messaging), YouTube …

Google also generates revenue directly from most of these apps because they contain advertising and some have paid versions, such as YouTube Premium or "Drive". if you want to increase online storage capacity.

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